Pullman del Sur is a company in the land transport industry founded in 1984 that is dedicated to the transfer of passengers in Argentina, Paraguay, as well as the central and southern areas of Chile.
It has managed to conquer its customers with its services including its delivery routes. The good results achieved have allowed Pullman del Sur to become a leading company within its coverage areas.
With more than 27 agencies around Chile, today Pullman del Sur offers its clients a wide variety of destinations, among which are Cauquenes, Curicó, Linares, Litueche, Melipilla, Pichilemu, Rancagua, San Fernando, Santiago and Talca.
kupos.cl helps you to easily search the complete services and bus tickets of Pullman del Sur online. You can easily search and compare all the schedules of Pullman del Sur and its key competitors on kupos.cl and choose an option that best fits your travel need. You can also easily check out the amenities (for example mobile ticket, WiFi, USB charger) air conditioner, washroom, snacks, etc.) offered by xxx. kupos.cl is an official partner in selling Pullman del Sur bus tickets so you are completely protected with a safe, secured, and authorized transaction this will help you avoid any wrong surprise or bad experience with your travel.
kupos.cl has various active discounts and promotions on Pullman del Sur and other bus operators, we recommend you to look for such promotions before making your reservations so that you get the best available deal. We assure you the cheapest and the best price on Pullman del Sur tickets and the services related to post-sales. Your transaction is fully protected for future cancellation and refund, including an instant refund on your tickets.
Pullman del Sur covers 812 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Molina to Curicó
Longest route is Curanipe to Santiago.
Customer support of Pullman del Sur is +56 2 7762426
Users can easily cancel Pullman del Sur tickets online on Pullman del Sur.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Cauquenes to Chanco: CLP$3000
Most expensive route is Chanco to Pelluhue: CLP$35000.
Main routes of Pullman del Sur are following:
Santiago to San Javier CLP$11000.0, Santiago to Talca CLP$10000.0, Rancagua to San Javier CLP$11000.0
The website of Pullman del Sur is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Pullman del Sur Chile in spanish: - www.pdelsur.cl
Pullman del Sur Chile in english: - Información no disponible
Call Center: +56 2 7762424 / +56 2 7762426
Sitio web: www.pdelsur.cl
Correo: contacto_web@pdelsur.cl
Oficinas y teléfonos de Buses Pullman de Sur
El listado completo de agencias de buses Pullman del Sur puedes revisarlo aquí
According the outcome of the national inspection program carried out by the Undersecretary of Transportation during the second semester of 2019, a period in which they were inspected more tan 480 times, they achieved a decrease in the percentage of infractions by 18.8% compared to previous registrations, reaching 24.3%
Route | Price | |
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