Buses JM - Buy bus tickets online

About Buses JM

Buses JM is a ground transportation company founded in 1951 by don José Minardi Jorquera, current owner of what today is known as Buses J.M. Pullman S.A.

With its headquarter in the city of Los Andes, they began its services with urban and intracity routes in the Valparaiso region. In 1960, they started their first intercity route traveling  Los Andes - San Felipe - Valparaíso, service they did with only one bus. In the mid 60s, they extended its route to ValparaísoSan Felipe - Putaendo.

In 1962, Buses JM started to offer transportation services to construction companies in charge of what today is the División Andina de Codelco Chile.

After a few years consolidating its business in the intercity industry, they decided to further extend its routes from the cities of Viña del Mar and Valparaíso, reaching the Bíobío region, specifically to the cities of Talcahuano and Concepción.

Currently, the fleet of Buses JM is built by modern buses that have security systems, WiFi, GPS speed control, and more. They offer services with classic, semi cama and salón cama seats, trying to offer a wide variety of options to its customers.

Some of its main destinations include cities like Los Andes, San Felipe, Villa Alemana, Quilpué, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Concepción and Talcahuano. Apart from their intercity services, they also offer industrial and touristic services.

Its tickets are available for purchase in the bus terminals and through kupos.cl.

kupos.cl helps you to easily search the complete services and bus tickets of Buses JM online. You can easily search and compare all the schedules of Buses JM and its key competitors on kupos.cl and choose an option that best fits your travel need. You can also easily check out the amenities (for example mobile ticket, WiFi, USB charger) air conditioner, washroom, snacks, etc.) offered by Buses JM. kupos.cl is an official partner in selling Buses JM bus tickets so you are completely protected with a safe, secured, and authorized transaction this will help you avoid any wrong surprise or bad experience with your travel. 

kupos.cl has various active discounts and promotions on Buses JM and other bus operators, we recommend you to look for such promotions before making your reservations so that you get the best available deal. We assure you the cheapest and the best price on Buses JM tickets and the services related to post-sales.  Your transaction is fully protected for future cancellation and refund, including an instant refund on your tickets. 

infoInformation of Buses JM

Founding date: 1951
Head office: Argentina Pte. Nº 131, Los Andes, Chile.
Website’s languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Fleet size: 17 buses
Main destinations: Los Andes, San Felipe, Viña del Mar
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Buses JM: (56) 34 234 3232
Cargo: No disponible
  • Mobile TicketMobile Ticket
  • WiFiWiFi

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Buses JM on daily basis?

Buses JM covers 176 routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Buses JM?

Shortest route is Viña del Mar to San Felipe
Longest route is Valparaíso to Los Andes.


What is the contact details of Buses JM?

Customer support of Buses JM is (56) 34 234 3232


Cancelation process and charges of Buses JM online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Buses JM tickets online on Buses JM.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Buses JM?

Cheapest route is Valparaíso to San Felipe: CLP$7600
Most expensive route is Valparaíso to San Felipe: CLP$7600.


What are the main routes of Buses JM?

Main routes of Buses JM are following:
Los Andes to Valparaíso CLP$7600.0, Los Andes to Viña del Mar CLP$7600.0, San Felipe to Valparaíso CLP$7600.0


Buses JM site language compatibility?

The website of Buses JM is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Buses JM Chile in spanish: - https://www.busesjm.cl/
Buses JM Chile in english: - No disponible

Rutas y pasajes de Buses JM

  • Dirección principal: Argentina Pte. Nº 131, Los Andes, Chile.
  • Teléfono principal: (56) 34 234 3232

Agencia Viña del Mar
Valparaíso 1055, Local 15
Viña del Mar,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 215 7128
Agencia Valparaíso
Pedro Montt 2860
Valparaíso,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 215 7160 (+56 32) 215 7161
Agencia Villa Alemana
Progreso 45, Local 1
Villa Alemana,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 215 7155
Agencia Talcahuano
Blanco Encalada 196, Local 4
Talcahuano,  Bío Bío
Tel: (+56 41) 212 7710
Agencia San Felipe
Joaquín Oliva 64,Local 3,4
San Felipe,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 34) 234 4370
Agencia Quilpué
Av. Los Carrera 689
Quilpué,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 215 7151
Agencia Los Andes
Carlos Díaz 47, Local 11
Los Andes,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 34) 234 3232
Agencia Concepción
Tegualda 860, Local 34
Concepción,  Bío Bío
Tel: (+56 41) 212 7706
Agencia Santiago
Av Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3850, Local 95
Santiago,  Región Metropolitana
Tel: (+56 22) 360 9528

According to the outcome of the national inspection program carried out by the Subsecretaría de Transporte during the first semester of 2019, period in which they were inspected 76 times, the company Buses JM obtained a percentage of infractions of 15.8%. These figures represent an increase of 5.8% compared to the values obtained during the first half of the year.

Ranking de Buses JM
Buses JM tiene una calificación promedio de 4.1 sobre 5 puntos en kupos.cl, de acuerdo a los comentarios de 0 usuarios que viajaron con Buses JM en los últimos 6 meses. Estos usuarios calificaron a Buses JM y su servicio en función de los siguientes criterios:
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Paula Olivares V
    4.3 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Lilian Piñones
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Makarena Madariaga
    3.8 #{t :rating}
  • " Por favor, la empresa debe en forma expresa instruír a su personal de cabina, limitar el uso de celulares en modo "manos libres) es muy desagradable tener que soportar que pasajeros insconcientes durante todo el viaje hablen en voz alta y tengamos que oír sus conversaciones en su mayoría intrascendentes y ni hablar de los tonos de llamada que con mucha frecuencia son estridentes cuando algunos de nosotros queremos disfrutar el viaje de manera reposada. Favor considerar un poco de cultura. Muchas gracias."
    Rene Saavedra
    4.8 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Leonardo Cabrera
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Bastián Espinoza Díaz
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "Debería haber una parada en quilpue terminal o en villa alemana por orozco"
    Jeanette Castillo
    3.8 #{t :rating}

Comentarios de otros usuarios

Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

Danos tu opinión

Routes and prices of Buses JM

Route Price