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ABOUT Linares

Known for its warm Mediterranean climate, Linares is a beautiful Chilean town that stands out within the Maule Region. This city was founded on May 23, 1794 under the mandate of the viceroy of Peru Ambrosio O'Higgins, the town received its name in honor of Francisco de la Matta Linares who commanded the Concepción Intendancy at that time. The town of Linares was established on 1,500 hectares that were expropriated from the Estancia de Pilocoyán.

Most of the commune is located in the Central Valley, bordering to the north with Villa Alegre and Yerbas Buenas, to the west with San Javier, to the south with Longaví and to the east, with Colbún.

Initially, the center of Linares was made up of a handful of blocks, located around the Plaza de Armas, then they became eighty blocks, according to the typical grid of the initial urban structure of Latin American cities.

The south and particularly the southeast of the city is already reaching the banks of the Ancoa River. The north side has developed a little less, in terms of built-up area, but it has been characterized by witnessing the construction of condominiums and high-cost houses, some of them surrounded by originally agricultural land and now converted into households. This trend is occurring mainly along the roads to Yerbas Buenas and Colbún.

At we take you to Linares with the Linatal, Pullman Bus and Buses Libertadores lines. From nearby towns there are also direct trips to Linares by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the carpool routes available to Linares.

Another way to get to Linares is by train, a service that is an important transportation alternative. The service is made up of 9 stations: Alameda, San Bernardo, Rancagua, San Fernando, Curicó, Molina, Talca, San Javier, Linares. The train leaves from the Central Railway Station located on Alameda avenue of Santiago, and the trip to Linares lasts approximately three and a half hours. Remember that at, the platform that integrates transportation in Chile, you can also book and pay for all train trips offered by Tren Central. is the platform where you find all the transportation options to get to and get around Linares.

tipsTips de viaje para Linares


Route Price
Los Ángeles to Linares Book
Cauquenes to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
Chillán to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
Chillán to Linares Book
Concepción to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
Parral to Linares Book
San Carlos to Linares Book
Parral to Linares Book
Rancagua to Linares Book
Parral to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
San Bernardo to Linares Book
San Fernando to Linares Book
Chillán to Linares Book
Talca to Linares Book
Valdivia to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
Puerto Saavedra to Linares Book
Curicó to Linares Book
Molina to Linares Book
Carahue to Linares Book
Cauquenes to Linares Book
Nueva Imperial to Linares Book
Talca to Linares Book
Curicó to Linares Book
San Javier to Linares Book
Temuco to Linares Book
Parral to Linares Book
Concepción to Linares Book
Longaví to Linares Book
Chillán to Linares Book
San Javier to Linares Book
Santiago to Linares Book
Rancagua to Linares Book
Rancagua to Linares Book
Talca to Linares Book
Talca to Linares Book
Talca to Linares Book
Puerto Montt to Linares Book
San Javier to Linares Book
San Javier to Linares Book
Puerto Varas to Linares Book
Osorno to Linares Book
Victoria to Linares Book
Collipulli to Linares Book

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025