Buy Bus Tickets Online to Curicó

ABOUT Curicó

Curicó is located in the province that bears the same name in the Maule Region, 178 kilometers away from Santiago. It is considered the agro industrial capital of Chile for its extensive fruit plantations of apple trees, cherry trees, kiwis, wheat, among others.

It has products that make it characteristic, such as its cakes, fruits, tomato sauce, cement, sugar and export wines. Its Mediterranean climate favors the conditions for agricultural exploitation with a prolonged dry season with temperatures reaching 36 ° C in summer and a humid environment in winter.

The center of the city stands out with its main square which is considered one of the most beautiful in Chile and which in 1986 was declared a typical area for its more than 60 specimens of palma canaria. It also has a great variety of trees dating back more than 100 years and sculptures by national artists.

Around the square you can see the walls of the Iglesia Matriz and the Iglesia del Carmen, which draws attention for its architecture that has columns and chapiters carved in stone. As well as the San Francisco Church which was built in 1758 after its original structure suffered serious damage due to an earthquake and which has a Neo-Gothic style. To have a panoramic view of the city, you can climb the Cerro Carlos Condell which has a height of 99 meters above the city and from which you can also see the fields and Los Andes mountain range.

In this area there are large wine producers, which has become a traditional and characteristic element of the city, even more so with the celebration of the Fiesta de la Vendimia, which takes place between March 15 and 20 of each year in the main square seeking to publicize the traditions of culture and the influence of wine production that has been present for almost five centuries.

The manufacture of cakes in this city stands out on a national level, which has earned it the name of the city of cakes. In its surroundings there is a great variety of natural landscapes and you can visit several towns such as Potrero Grande, Tutuquén, Sarmiento and Los Niches.

At we take you to Curicó with the companies Pullman Bus, MT Bus and Andimar VIP. But if you want to travel by land but in a different way, carpooling, or shared car, is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the available carpool routes that take you to Curicó, as well as you can move around the city.

Once in Curicó, apart from carpooling, you can also get around by bus, a very popular urban transport that covers almost all the internal routes of the city. In you can find the available routes, and pay through the app with any card or in cash.

Another way to get to Curicó is by train, a service that is an important transportation alternative. The service is made up of 5 stations: Alameda, San Bernardo, Rancagua, San Fernando and Curicó. The train leaves from the Central Railway Station located on Alameda avenue in Santiago, and the trip to Curicó lasts approximately 2 hours. Remember that at, the platform that integrates transportation in Chile, you can also book and pay for all train trips offered by Tren Central. is the platform where you find all the transport options to get to and get around Curicó.

tipsTips de viaje para Curicó

Fiesta de la Vendimia

Do you like wine, dancing and good food? Then you will love the Fiesta de la Vendimia of Curicó Welcome to the biggest and funniest party in the city!

This party is celebrated during the first 3 months of each year, and it normally takes place in the city center. Here you will find the most delicious wines of Chile, the best proposals for craft beers, traditional street food, music and dancing, much dancing! Ah! And don't miss the free wine fountain! It is delicious…

Vineyard tour

Yes! Without a doubt, wine is one of the most important things in Curicó, so you can't leave there without visiting one of the best vineyards of Chile.

Viña Miguel Torres is located just 15 minutes from the center of Curicó and offers a vineyard experience that is great! We recommend to you the tour “Cordillera de Los Andes” it has a cost of $ 15,000 pesos per person.

Cerro Condell

The most popular outdoor venue in the entire city! Cerro Condell is a beautiful and excellent meeting point to go with friends, family or on a romantic getaway plan.

During the day or in the afternoon, no matter the time, here you can hike, ride a bike or have a barbecue in one of the picnic areas. In short, Cerro Condell is an escape to nature within Curicó. And the best of all is that the entrance is free!


Route Price
Los Ángeles to Curicó Book
Chillán to Curicó Book
Licanten to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Cauquenes to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Curepto to Curicó Book
Parral to Curicó Book
Rancagua to Curicó Book
Longaví to Curicó Book
Linares to Curicó Book
San Carlos to Curicó Book
San Fernando to Curicó Book
Parral to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Rancagua to Curicó Book
Linares to Curicó Book
Iloca to Curicó Book
Villa Alemana to Curicó Book
La Serena to Curicó Book
Rancagua to Curicó Book
Quilpué to Curicó Book
Rancagua to Curicó Book
Curepto to Curicó Book
Chillán to Curicó Book
Coquimbo to Curicó Book
Licanten to Curicó Book
San Javier to Curicó Book
Talcahuano to Curicó Book
San Fernando to Curicó Book
Viña del Mar to Curicó Book
San Fernando to Curicó Book
Hualañe to Curicó Book
Villarrica to Curicó Book
Tongoy to Curicó Book
Talca to Curicó Book
La Huerta to Curicó Book
Concepción to Curicó Book
Valparaíso to Curicó Book
San Fernando to Curicó Book
Iloca to Curicó Book
Iloca to Curicó Book
Placilla to Curicó Book
Curanipe to Curicó Book
Pelluhue to Curicó Book
Temuco to Curicó Book
Victoria to Curicó Book
San Javier to Curicó Book
Viña del Mar to Curicó Book
Licanten to Curicó Book
Molina to Curicó Book
Hualañe to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Molina to Curicó Book
Melipeuco to Curicó Book
Cunco to Curicó Book
Rauco to Curicó Book
Santiago to Curicó Book
Freire to Curicó Book
Valdivia to Curicó Book
Loncoche to Curicó Book
Gorbea to Curicó Book

Images of Curicó

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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