Buses Fernández - Buy bus tickets online

About Buses Fernández

Buses Fernández, founded on October 7th, 1947 in the Magallanes region, is the oldest transportation company in the region, today in charge of don Secundino Fernández Gómez who is the founder and owner of the company.

In its starting days, they faced a lot of challenges due to the bad conditions of the routes, which forced them to establish multiple stops on the journey, extending the duration of the trips and making them last between 12 to 14 hours. The improvement of the roads during the years have allowed to reduce the trips' durations.

The company owns a 40 modern buses fleet plus their own terminal in Punta Arenas, the Terminal Buses Fernández de Punta Arenas. Their buses are from the brand Irizar, and are on average, 2,4 years old. 

Buses Fernández is also known for offering touristic services during holidays to the Torres del Paine National Park. Another one of its important services is a corporate service to companies, where they move employees to their job locations. They also have a Frequent traveler program that allows their passengers to accumulate kilometers in its personal account for every purchase they make.

Their most representative service is the passengers transportation and cargo services between  Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. They also offer services to Llanuras de Diana and touristic services to the Torres del Paine National Park.

The services of Buses Fernández are available for online purchase in its website, www.busesfernandez.com, and also in kupos.cl and its mobile app, available for both Android and iOS.

infoInformation of Buses Fernández

Founding date: 1947
Head office: Armando Sanhueza N° 745, Punta Arenas, Chile.
Website’s languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Fleet size: 37 buses
Main destinations: Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas-Aeropuerto, Punta Arenas
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Buses Fernández: (56) 61 224 2313
Cargo: No disponible
  • Mobile TicketMobile Ticket
  • WiFiWiFi

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Buses Fernández on daily basis?

Buses Fernández covers 32 routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Buses Fernández?

Shortest route is Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales
Longest route is Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales.


What is the contact details of Buses Fernández?

Customer support of Buses Fernández is (56) 61 224 2313


Cancelation process and charges of Buses Fernández online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Buses Fernández tickets online on Buses Fernández.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Buses Fernández?

Cheapest route is Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales: CLP$7800
Most expensive route is Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales: CLP$7800.


What are the main routes of Buses Fernández?

Main routes of Buses Fernández are following:
Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales CLP$7800.00, Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales CLP$7800.00, Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales CLP$7800.00


Buses Fernández site language compatibility?

The website of Buses Fernández is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Buses Fernández Chile in spanish: - www.busesfernandez.com
Buses Fernández Chile in english: - No disponible

Rutas y pasajes de Buses Fernández

  • Dirección principal: Armando Sanhueza N° 745, Punta Arenas, Chile.
  • Teléfono principal: (56) 61 224 2313

Agencia Puerto Natales
Avenida España 1455
Puerto Natales,  Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Tel: (+56 61) 241 1111
Agencia Puerto Natales
Eleuterio Ramírez 399
Puerto Natales,  Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Tel: (+56 61) 241 1111
Agencia Punta Arenas
Armando Sanhueza 737
Punta Arenas,  Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Tel: (+56 61) 222 1230
Agencia Punta Arenas
Oscar Viel 741
Punta Arenas,  Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Tel: (+56 61) 224 7688
Agencia Punta Arenas
Armando Sanhueza 745
Punta Arenas,  Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena
Tel: (+56 61) 224 2313

The commitment to safety by Buses Fernández is reflected in the outcome of the national inspection program carried out by the Subsecretaría de Transporte. During the second semester of 2019, a period in which they were inspected more than 170 times, they achieved a decrease in the percentage of infractions compared to previous registrations, reaching 8.1%.

Ranking de Buses Fernández
Buses Fernández tiene una calificación promedio de 4.2 sobre 5 puntos en kupos.cl, de acuerdo a los comentarios de 4930 usuarios que viajaron con Buses Fernández en los últimos 6 meses. Estos usuarios calificaron a Buses Fernández y su servicio en función de los siguientes criterios:
- Quality of the bus: 4.3
- Punctuality: 4.4
- Service and Attention: 4.3
- Would you recommend the service?: 4.4
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Daniela Zelaya
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "Quisiera manifestar mi disconformidad con el procedimiento para registrar el equipaje en bodega. Me parece poco práctico que sea necesario ir hasta la ventanilla o la oficina de ventas para obtener un ticket, considerando que la mayoría de las empresas resuelven este proceso directamente con el auxiliar del bus. Generalmente, el auxiliar cuenta con tickets duplicados y una planilla donde asocia rápidamente al pasajero con su equipaje, agilizando el embarque. Este procedimiento ineficiente casi me deja fuera del viaje, ya que, a pesar de haber llegado 20 minutos antes de la salida, la fila en ventanilla era lenta debido a que solo había una persona atendiendo. Terminé subiendo al bus apenas unos minutos antes de la partida. Les sugiero revisar este proceso para mejorar la experiencia del pasajero y evitar este tipo de inconvenientes."
    4.3 #{t :rating}
  • "Todo muy bien "
    Ferney Caicedo
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Nadia Nahuelquen
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "The buses are comfortable and the attendant very responsive to requests for air conditioning. Even the bathroom was nice and clean. "
    Russell Borman
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Darío Muñoz Hernández
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Catalina VALENCIA
    4.8 #{t :rating}

Comentarios de otros usuarios

Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

Danos tu opinión

Routes and prices of Buses Fernández

Route Price
Images of Buses Fernández
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  • operator_image