Buy Bus Tickets Online to Parral

ABOUT Parral

Parral is located in the Maule Region, 347 km away from Santiago, and can be reached by land through the Panamerican route number 5. Parral limits to the north with the communes of Longaví, Retiro and Colbún, to the south with the communes of San Fabián and Ñiquén, to the east with the commune of San Fabián, and to the west with Cauquenes.

Its streets keep stories that glimpse important facts of Chilean history, while its beautiful landscapes make it a great location for nature lovers. The climate of Parral is temperate and warm, winter is usually rainy with temperatures that do not drop below 3 °C, while summer is dry without exceeding 30 °C.

The city is known for several reasons, the first one is for being the birthplace of the renowned Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), who was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. In the same way, it became famous for hosting Villa Baviera, also known as Colonia de Alemanes or Colonia Dignidad, a community in which more than 350 Germans who arrived in Chile during the sixties were housed. During the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), Colonia Dignidad was a clandestine detention and torture center, but today around 500 people remain there and are dedicated to livestock, agriculture and tourism that abounds thanks to the beautiful views of the Andes Mountains and the Perquilauquén River, also offer German cuisine, lodging and walks around Parral.

Parral is also known for its variety of water sources, like the Catillo Hot Springt that is located 27 km east of Parral. The Digua Reservoir offers possibilities of practicing sport fishing, the Bullileo Reservoir that was built with the purpose of irrigating in the foothills of Parral. The Amargo Lagoon is located upstream from the Bullileo Reservoir, and has trails that lead to other reservoirs.

At we take you to Parral with the companies Nilahue and Los Libertadores, but from nearby towns there are also direct trips to Parral by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the carpool routes available to Parral and pay through the app with any card or in cash.

Another way to get to Parral is by train, a service that is an important transportation alternative. The service is made up of 10 stations: Alameda, San Bernardo, Rancagua, San Fernando, Curicó, Molina, Talca, San Javier, Linares and Parral. The train leaves from the Central Railway Station located on the Alameda avenue of Santiago, and the trip to Parral lasts approximately 4 hours. Remember that at, the platform that integrates transportation in Chile, you can also book and pay for all train trips offered by Tren Central.

tipsTips de viaje para Parral


Route Price
Los Ángeles to Parral Book
Cauquenes to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Cauquenes to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Concepción to Parral Book
Rancagua to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
San Fernando to Parral Book
Puerto Montt to Parral Book
Pitrufquén to Parral Book
Rancagua to Parral Book
Curicó to Parral Book
Molina to Parral Book
San Fernando to Parral Book
Cauquenes to Parral Book
Temuco to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
Curicó to Parral Book
Osorno to Parral Book
San Javier to Parral Book
Lautaro to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
Linares to Parral Book
Concepción to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
Longaví to Parral Book
Victoria to Parral Book
Linares to Parral Book
Valdivia to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Loncoche to Parral Book
Temuco to Parral Book
San Javier to Parral Book
Rancagua to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
Los Ángeles to Parral Book
Rancagua to Parral Book
Santiago to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Concepción to Parral Book
Concepción to Parral Book
Rancagua to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
San Javier to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Chillán to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
Talca to Parral Book
Puerto Montt to Parral Book
San Javier to Parral Book
San Javier to Parral Book
Linares to Parral Book
Puerto Varas to Parral Book
Linares to Parral Book
Linares to Parral Book
Longaví to Parral Book
Longaví to Parral Book
Osorno to Parral Book

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025