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ABOUT Melipilla

Melipilla is the capital city of the province of the same name, in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. It is located about 60 km west of Santiago, and borders the coastal mountains in the north, the Province of Chacabuco in the northeast, the Province of Santiago in the east and the Province of Talagante in the southeast. It is located about 170 meters above sea level, and near the city the Maipo River flows. The city can be accessed by land through the Autopista del Sol, route 78. Melipilla has a mediterranean climate typical of the central area of Chile, with hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters.

The name Melipilla comes from the Mapudungún meli pillañ, which means "four spirits". Melipilla has a great variety of tourist panoramas among which the Cerro Horcón de Piedra is located southwest of the Aculeo Lagoon, it maintains a native forest on whose slopes and trails you can see the hills of the central mountain range. From the summit it is also possible to see the sea and the bay of San Antonio, while at night, you can see Santiago illuminated.

Pomaire is a small town of pottery craftsmen, belonging to the commune of Melipilla, 50 kilometers west of Santiago. Its main attraction is the main street where clay crafts are sold and the typical dishes of Chilean cuisine are offered, such as the corn cake and the empanada. Ceramic is characterized by its reddish hue and smooth, shiny surface. Its pottery tradition dates back to before the arrival of the Spanish. Currently you can also find enameled clay, which improves its quality and appearance. The craftsmanship of Pomaire is not only limited to clay, as there are also craftsmen in rustic furniture and another range of crafts worth rescuing.

The Esmeralda Lagoon is an artificial lake that is located 6 km away from Melipilla, on the north of the Autopista del Sol. On this place you can find several species of fish and birds, as well as being an important fishing center, since the pond it has been well stocked with trout and silverside. There is a good tourist infrastructure, with 50 campsites, 2 beaches, a restaurant and sailing facilities. Hacienda San Manuel is an old property and patronal house surrounded by extensive vegetation, native and foreign trees, where you can see various profiles of famous people, an old church, a cinema from the last century and a museum that preserves relics of its founders . The hacienda is located 14 km southwest of Melipilla, in the town of San Manuel, to get there you must take Route G-60, Camino Melipilla-Rapel.

The Mallarauco Valley is a cultivated valley located 15 km away from Melipilla and 70 km from Santiago. It has approximately 30 km of cultivated fields of citrus and avocados. The Melipilla Cheese Route is a route where you can see the production of cheeses in an artisanal way, since the sector is an important center of operations for this activity. The route includes three independent tours, the first is to Culipran, located 10 km south of the city; Mallarauco - Bollenar 20 km to the north; and Puangue 8 km to the west. takes you to Melipilla with the company Buses Madrid.

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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