Buy bus tickets in the routes of Jota Ewert

About Jota Ewert

Jota Ewert is a bus company dedicated to the transport of passengers between the Biobío Region and the Araucanía Region. This company was founded by Carlos Bugmann Spielmann in 1960.

The first routes of the company were between Temuco and Concepción, currently its transport offer has expanded, reaching the cities of Temuco, Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Collipulli, Angol, Nacimiento, Los Angeles, Concepción, Chillán, Parral, Curanilahue, Lebu, Cañete and Contulmo.

The main offices of Jota Ewert are in the Temuco Bus Terminal and the Concepción Bus Terminal.

infoInformation of Jota Ewert

Founding date: 1960
Head office: Lincoyán 1425, Concepción, Chile.
Website’s languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Fleet size: Información no disponible
Main destinations:
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Jota Ewert: +56 41 2185319


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Jota Ewert on daily basis?

Jota Ewert covers routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Jota Ewert?


What is the contact details of Jota Ewert?

Customer support of Jota Ewert is +56 41 2185319


Cancelation process and charges of Jota Ewert online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Jota Ewert tickets online on Jota There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Jota Ewert?


What are the main routes of Jota Ewert?

Main routes of Jota Ewert are following:


Jota Ewert site language compatibility?

The website of Jota Ewert is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Jota Ewert Chile in spanish: -
Jota Ewert Chile in english: - Información no disponible

Teléfono: +56 41 2185319
Sitio web:

Oficinas y teléfonos de Buses Jota Ewert

  • Temuco: 

Terminal de Buses de La Araucanía. Fono: +56 45 246 44 25 

  • Concepción:

Terminal de Buses Jota Ewert. Fono: +56 41 285 55 87 

Ver todas oficinas de Buses Jota Ewert aquí

Agencia Concepción
Lincoyán 1456
Concepción,  Bío Bío
Tel: (+56 41) 285 5587 (+56 41) 285 5670

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