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ABOUT Temuco

Temuco is the capital of the Araucanía Region and was founded in 1881 by Manuel Recabarren, who, taking into account the strategic position in the central valley, considered it an ideal place for the settlement of the population.

This city has a rich culture, since the Mapuche culture was forged on its lands, which to this day can be found in sectors of the region. It is one of the cities with the largest real estate and hotel capacity in Chile, there are several national and regional museums, as well as other tourist attractions, which are visited by hundreds of tourists throughout the year. Among the most important places are the Araucano Museum, the Pablo Neruda National Railway Museum, the Pablo Neruda footprints heritage route that seeks to publicize the passage of the poet through the city between 1906 and 1920, and the Cerro Ñielol Natural Monument, one of the most emblematic and protected natural spaces in the region that is located just blocks from the city's Plaza de Armas.

Its climate is called rainy temperate oceanic that is characterized by rainfall throughout the year that intensifies in winter, with an average annual temperature of 11ºC, ranging between 3ºC and 22ºC.

The city has several green areas such as Plaza Recabarren, Plaza Dagoberto Godoy, Plaza Teodoro Schmidt, Parque Costanera del Cautín and Parque Germán Becker where a stadium with the same name is located and is the main sports center in the region.

From Temuco you can access the Andean-lacustrine Araucanía, a sector in which the best ski centers in the country are found, as well as exclusive national parks such as Conguillio National Park, Huerquehue National Park and Villarrica National Park. Another outstanding destination is the Coastal Araucanía, a place that invites you to do ethnic Mapuche-Lafquenche tourism, unique in the area that allows you to get involved with the indigenous culture of the region.

Temuco is located 675 kilometers away from Santiago, and La Araucanía International Airport is the main airway of the La Araucanía Region, it is located 25 kilometers from the city of Temuco, which translates to about 30 minutes of travel and at we will tell you how to get from La Araucanía International Airport to Temuco.

The main land access is the Panamerican highway number 5 and at we take you to Temuco with the following companies: Luna Express, Buses Jet Sur, Buses Tepual, Buses Fierro, Buses Via-Tur, Nar Bus, Buses Ríos, Buses Erbuc, Buses J Ahumada and Pullman Berr Tur.

But if you want to travel by land but in a different way, carpooling, or shared car, is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the available travel routes that take you to Temuco, as well as you can move around the city using carpooling, paying the same or even less for quality mobility in a shared car.

Once in the city of Temuco, apart from carpooling, you can also mobilize by buses, a fairly popular urban transport that covers almost all the internal routes of the city. In you can find the available routes, and pay through the app with any card or in cash. is the platform where you find all the transportation options to get to and get around Temuco.

tipsTips de viaje para Temuco

Pablo Neruda National Railway Museum

Did you know that the railroad was the engine of industrial development in Chile? yes! and that is why it is so important in the history of the country. The entrance costs only $ 1,000 pesos! Let's get to know it!

In the Pablo Neruda National Railway Museum you can see the original specimens, railways that traveled throughout the center - north of Chile throughout the nineteenth and part of the twentieth century. In addition, there is an art gallery that merges the railways with the noble poetry of the great Pablo Neruda. This, without a doubt, is the must-see of Temuco!

Conguillío National Park

Conguillío National Park is a nature reserve known for its beautiful landscapes, volcanoes, lakes, and lagoons. Perfect nature! Do not miss it!

Among the best known are the Llaima volcano, the hills of Lorca and the Sierra Santa Ester. The Llaima volcano is more than 3,000 meters above sea level and it is one of the most active volcanoes in South America. The last two eruptions were 11 years ago, and with that the volcano gained 70 meters more in height. Find all the information about this amazing park here!

Tolhuaca National Park

Amazing waterfalls, turquoise lagoons, lush forests and enchanting trails ... this Araucanian park has everything to live new outdoor adventures.

The Green Lagoon is the star of this park, and it is a gigantic water mirror that draws the reflection of an endless number of trees. In addition, there is the Salto del Malleco, a beautiful waterfall that is considered the most beautiful waterfall in Chile

Cerro Ñielol

Cerro Ñielol is a monument of nature, this is a destination for the whole family. The viewpoint at the top of the hill can be reached by car or on foot, so everyone can go. Once at the top you can see all of Temuco, amazingly beautiful, cool and laid back. The cost of entry is $ 500 pesos per person! 


Route Price
Chillán to Temuco Book
Los Ángeles to Temuco Book
Mulchén to Temuco Book
Victoria to Temuco Book
Pucón to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Molco to Temuco Book
Coñaripe to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Cauquenes to Temuco Book
General Roca to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Licanray to Temuco Book
Concepción to Temuco Book
San Martín to Temuco Book
Lautaro to Temuco Book
Collipulli to Temuco Book
Zapadores to Temuco Book
Allen to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
Loncoche to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Tijeral to Temuco Book
Cipolletti to Temuco Book
Junín to Temuco Book
to Temuco Book
Pua to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Puerto Varas to Temuco Book
Angol to Temuco Book
Victoria to Temuco Book
Puerto Varas to Temuco Book
Neuquén to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Talcahuano to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Plottier to Temuco Book
Collipulli to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Curacautín to Temuco Book
Puerto Saavedra to Temuco Book
Los Ángeles to Temuco Book
Curicó to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Victoria to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
Carahue to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
to Temuco Book
Lanco to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Los Ángeles to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
Nueva Imperial to Temuco Book
San Jose de la Mariquina to Temuco Book
Loncoche to Temuco Book
Talcahuano to Temuco Book
San Fernando to Temuco Book
Talca to Temuco Book
Gorbea to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
Concepción to Temuco Book
Los Lagos to Temuco Book
Curicó to Temuco Book
Pucón to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
Zapala to Temuco Book
Temuco to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
to Temuco Book
Talca to Temuco Book
Talca to Temuco Book
Linares to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Los Ángeles to Temuco Book
Los Ángeles to Temuco Book
Talcahuano to Temuco Book
Concepción to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
San Carlos De Bariloche to Temuco Book
San Fernando to Temuco Book
Loncoche to Temuco Book
Mulchén to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Parral to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Collipulli to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
Concepción to Temuco Book
San Jose de la Mariquina to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
San Fernando to Temuco Book
Collipulli to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Valparaíso to Temuco Book
Lanco to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Río Bueno to Temuco Book
Panguipulli to Temuco Book
La Unión to Temuco Book
Viña del Mar to Temuco Book
Puerto Saavedra to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Viña del Mar to Temuco Book
Melipeuco to Temuco Book
Pucón to Temuco Book
Valparaíso to Temuco Book
Futrono to Temuco Book
Paillaco to Temuco Book
Pucón to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Viña del Mar to Temuco Book
Coñaripe to Temuco Book
Valparaíso to Temuco Book
Cunco to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Valparaíso to Temuco Book
Talca to Temuco Book
Licanray to Temuco Book
Villarrica to Temuco Book
Carahue to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Viña del Mar to Temuco Book
Puerto Montt to Temuco Book
Nueva Imperial to Temuco Book
Valdivia to Temuco Book
Linares to Temuco Book
Puerto Varas to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Parral to Temuco Book
Pitrufquén to Temuco Book
Loncoche to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Osorno to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Rancagua to Temuco Book
Santiago to Temuco Book
Concepción to Temuco Book
Talca to Temuco Book
Chillán to Temuco Book

Images of Temuco

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

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Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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