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ABOUT Los Ángeles

Located in the heart of Chile, Los Angeles has become a great city both urban and rural. Located in the south-central zone of Chile, it is the capital city of the Biobío Region.

The city has a Mediterranean climate, during summer it has registered high temperatures of up to 42 ° C, but generally the maximum temperatures range between 32 ° C and 37 ° C. During the summer the "Puelche Wind" arrives in Los Angeles, this wind is hot and dry, it blows from the Andes Mountains, it is concentrated in the middle of the city, it slows down and warms the air, which increases the thermal sensation by above 38 ° C. For its part, the winter in Los Angeles presents temperatures between 12 ° C and 17 ° C, with frequent rainfall.

The most important economic activities are agriculture and forestry. The incorporation of forestry into the territory dates back to the beginning of the century, when, on poor quality land, some owners began to plant radiata pine, and currently 27.6% of the communal territory corresponds to the use of forest plantations , without considering the floors dedicated to nurseries, sawmills and industries associated with wood. Most of the agricultural products are commercialized in the regional market, while those of fruits and vegetables are destined for export, the main crops are wheat, beets, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and asparagus.

In the tourist field, it offers a pleasant experience to visitors as it is a city full of services, tradition and culture present throughout the year. In the center of the city is the Municipal Library of Los Angeles "Roberto Espinoza" No. 292 and the Museum of the High Border, which has a large collection of utensils and objects of the Mapuche culture as well as weapons from the colonial era and republican.

Among the tourist sites of the commune are the Rarinco River, Huaqui River, Laja Falls located north of the city, and the Antuco Volcano that is located in the Andes Mountains, 100 km away from Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is located 127 km away from Concepción and 510 km away from Santiago, until the end of the last century Los Angeles could be accessed through the railroad, or by air with commercial flights that arrived at the María Dolores Airport, however none of the services are active, so currently the main access road is by land through the Pan-American highway route number 5.

At we take you to Los Angeles with the Pullman Bus, EME Bus and Buses Jet Sur, but from nearby towns there are also direct trips to Los Angeles by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortable, safe and for less money. With you can access all the available carpool routes to Los Angeles, and pay through the app with any card or in cash. is the platform where you find all the transportation options to get to and from Los Angeles. 

tipsTips de viaje para Los Ángeles

Esmeralda Lagoon

Very close to downtown Los Angeles is the beautiful Esmeralda Lagoon. In the surroundings of the lagoon there is a beautiful playground set with figures of dinosaurs.

Here you can rent boats and for only $ 2,500 pesos you will spend an entertaining time in the lagoon. Nearby they also sell food to taste while enjoying the quiet and familiar atmosphere that the place offers. 

Pueblito Siglo XXI

The best food in all of Los Angeles in one place! No matter what you want or when you want it, in Pueblito Siglo XXI you will find it. Let's eat!

Pueblito Siglo XXI is a complex of restaurants that offer excellent service and quality. From here our favorite place is Bierhaus that offers delicious chorrillanas and hamburgers in a super entertaining atmosphere. 

Laguna del Laja National Park

Volcanoes, lagoons and rivers! That and much more offers us the fabulous Laguna del Laja National Park. If you are an adventure lover here you can go trekking, canopying, camping and cycling.

On the road that connects Los Angeles with the park, you can find guides associated with the park, accommodations, gastronomy and cultural events. This beautiful reserve exhibits the nature of Chile at its best, so at we invite you to visit it.


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Temuco to Los Ángeles Book
Chillán to Los Ángeles Book
Santiago to Los Ángeles Book
Cauquenes to Los Ángeles Book
Concepción to Los Ángeles Book
Santiago to Los Ángeles Book
Mulchén to Los Ángeles Book
Chillán to Los Ángeles Book
Angol to Los Ángeles Book
Pucón to Los Ángeles Book
Temuco to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Montt to Los Ángeles Book
Victoria to Los Ángeles Book
Viña del Mar to Los Ángeles Book
Temuco to Los Ángeles Book
Villarrica to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Varas to Los Ángeles Book
Talcahuano to Los Ángeles Book
Victoria to Los Ángeles Book
Renaico to Los Ángeles Book
Curicó to Los Ángeles Book
Mulchén to Los Ángeles Book
Cholchol to Los Ángeles Book
Concepción to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Montt to Los Ángeles Book
Osorno to Los Ángeles Book
Galvarino to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Montt to Los Ángeles Book
Villarrica to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Montt to Los Ángeles Book
Osorno to Los Ángeles Book
Traiguén to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Varas to Los Ángeles Book
Santiago to Los Ángeles Book
Collipulli to Los Ángeles Book
Chillán to Los Ángeles Book
Osorno to Los Ángeles Book
Osorno to Los Ángeles Book
Collipulli to Los Ángeles Book
Valdivia to Los Ángeles Book
Rancagua to Los Ángeles Book
Pucón to Los Ángeles Book
Victoria to Los Ángeles Book
Valdivia to Los Ángeles Book
Rancagua to Los Ángeles Book
Loncoche to Los Ángeles Book
Talca to Los Ángeles Book
San Fernando to Los Ángeles Book
Temuco to Los Ángeles Book
Chillán to Los Ángeles Book
Temuco to Los Ángeles Book
Chillán to Los Ángeles Book
Concepción to Los Ángeles Book
Concepción to Los Ángeles Book
Futrono to Los Ángeles Book
Lautaro to Los Ángeles Book
Cabrero to Los Ángeles Book
Contulmo to Los Ángeles Book
Salto Del Laja to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Montt to Los Ángeles Book
Purén to Los Ángeles Book
Valparaíso to Los Ángeles Book
Puerto Varas to Los Ángeles Book
Angol to Los Ángeles Book
Osorno to Los Ángeles Book

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025