Queilen Bus is a company that was founded in the city of Queilen, a small town on the island of Chiloé.
Currently the company offers tours within the island and also connects it with the rest of the country. In particular, the routes are to and from the cities of Santiago, Queilen, Achao, Castro, Ancud, Puerto Montt, Osorno, Valdivia, Temuco, Coyhaique and Punta Arenas.
The Queilen Bus fleet is made up of 18 buses which have three types of seats available for their users, pullman, semi cama and salon cama.
The headquarters of Queilen Bus is located in Castro, on Calle Camino Villa Llau Llao without number. From Santiago, the buses depart from the Sur Terminal, while in other regions they depart from the Temuco Bus Terminal, the Castro Municipal Terminal, the O'Higgins Terminal in Rancagua and the Ancud Bus Terminal.
Queilén Bus covers 381 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Curaco de Velez to Dalcahue
Longest route is Santiago to Castro.
Customer support of Queilén Bus is +56 65 635600
Users can easily cancel Queilén Bus tickets online on Queilén Bus.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Castro to Chonchi: CLP$1500
Most expensive route is Puerto Montt to Osorno: CLP$99999.
Main routes of Queilén Bus are following:
Puerto Montt to Castro CLP$10000, Puerto Montt to Ancud CLP$6500, Ancud to Puerto Montt CLP$7000
The website of Queilén Bus is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Queilén Bus Chile in spanish: - www.queilenbus.cl
Queilén Bus Chile in english: - Información no disponible
Call Center: +56 65 632594 / +56 65 635600 (Casa Matriz, Castro)
Sitio web: www.queilenbus.cl
Correo: contacto@queilenbus.cl
Facebook: www.facebook.com/QueilenBusLtda
Oficinas y teléfonos de Queilen Bus
The commitment to safety by Queilen Bus is reflected in the outcome of the national inspection program carried out by the Undersecretary of Transportation. During the second semester of 2019, a period in which they were inspected more tan 310 times, they achieved a decrease in the percentage of infractions compared to previous registrations, reaching 17.4%
Route | Price | |
$ 30.000 | Book | |
$ 40.000 | Book | |
$ 6.500 | Book | |
$ 35.000 | Book | |
$ 22.000 | Book | |
$ 30.000 | Book | |
$ 22.000 | Book | |
$ 34.000 | Book | |
$ 7.000 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 12.500 | Book | |
$ 99.999 | Book | |
$ 39.000 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 14.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 4.000 | Book | |
$ 3.500 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 2.400 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 1.500 | Book | |
$ 2.500 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 2.500 | Book | |
$ 4.000 | Book | |
$ 9.500 | Book | |
$ 1.500 | Book | |
$ 2.400 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 2.500 | Book | |
$ 2.500 | Book | |
$ 4.000 | Book | |
$ 9.500 | Book | |
$ 1.500 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 18.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 18.000 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book |