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Ancud is a Chilean city located in the Chiloé province at Los Lagos Region, it’s also called “Great Valley” or “Fertile land”. This is a  city that tells stories through its museums and old construction, with a rainfall of approximately 3046 mm/year and a big cultural diversity thanks to its ethnic composition.

From Santiago, the main road to Ancud is through Route 5,where you need to pass the cities of Osorno, Río Bueno, Puerto Montt and another ones, until you reach the Canal of Chacao that will finally lead you to Chiloé island.

Ancud it’s a highly recommended tourist destination, it has a variety of places to know the gastronomy, history, architectural designs, biology and culture, like the Goleta de Ancud and one of the most important attractions, El Museo Regional de Ancud; the entry of this museum it’s free of charge and has very interesting information for the lovers of history  and the evolution of human settlements. It has a collection of over 2000 crafts,tools, photographs and texts that are proof of the evolution of this city and that are used for research and preservation of culture and history. There you can also find the skeleton of a 25 meter long blue whale, the most imposing  monument of the museum.

Another interesting destination within Ancud is the  Fuerte Real de San Antonio, built in 1770 by Lázaro de Rivera, who called it for the first time “Batería Campo Santo”. This place was the last Spanish authority that ruled in Chile, one of the Hispanic fortified sites in America, where you can admire 7 cannons facing the ocean and a construction called Polvorín, which is the place where the provisions of the cannons were stored.

There are a variety of restaurants where you can taste the local cuisine and which are renowned for their design, location and exclusivity; with a varied menu where dishes such as: fried hake, chilota potatoes and apple empanadas stand out. You can also find different craft stalls where the main raw material is cotton.

In you can find all the transportation options to go to Ancud and move inside the city.

tipsTips de viaje para Ancud

Take a break in Playa Arena Gruesa

Starting from the Plaza de Armas of Ancud, a walk of 15 minutes awaits you to get to Playa Arena Gruesa, a place of calm and blue waters accompanied by a clear sky.

This beach is ideal to relax and clear your mind, if you want to visit it you need to keep in mind that there aren’t any stores or lifeguards in the area, so we recommend you to bring your own snacks and sun protection; however the beach does haves a parking which is very beneficial if you are going with your own vehicle.

From its viewpoint you can see the best views of the bay and other islands in the distance, another great attraction is its peculiar stone amphitheater. It is definitely a place that you must know on your visit to Ancud.

Colonial history at Fuerte Ahui

It is a construction dating from the 18th century and is considered one of the last Hispanic bastions in South America, it was named a National Monument in 1991, however, in its origins it function was protecting the city of Ancud from possible attacks of foreign colonies and pirates.

Fuerte Ahui is located about 26 km away from the center of Ancud, to get there you must take a bus that departs from the Rural Terminal of Ancud in a journey of approximately 1 hour in which you can see the beautiful landscapes of Ancud in all its glory.

It is a place steeped in history, easily accessible, with free entry and marked trails of low difficulty, which makes it an ideal activity for the whole family. It is an unforgettable place with majestic views. Do you dare to visit it?


Route Price
Achao to Ancud Book
Curaco de Velez to Ancud Book
Dalcahue to Ancud Book
Puerto Montt to Ancud Book

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025