Gama Bus is an intercity bus company that offers tickets to connect the cities between Santiago and Valdivia, passing through Temuco, Carahue and Nueva Imperial.
Currently Gama Bus has a fleet of 26 buses offering two types of semi and cama seats with fabric seats, headrest, blanket, air conditioning, row of individual seats, heating, air conditioning, bathrooms, snack on board, assistant service, pillow, blanket.
The destinations available to visit with Gama Bus are Buin, Paine, Santiago, Lanco, Malalhue, Panguipulli, Valdivia, Carahue, Loncoche, Nueva Imperial, Pitrufquén, Temuco and San José.
Gama Bus covers 22 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Santiago to Linares
Longest route is Panguipulli to Santiago.
Customer support of Gama Bus is información no disponible
Users can easily cancel Gama Bus tickets online on Gama There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Linares to Temuco: CLP$12000
Most expensive route is Santiago to Panguipulli: CLP$25000.
Main routes of Gama Bus are following:
Santiago to Panguipulli CLP$23000.0, Santiago to Malalhue CLP$23000.0, Santiago to Lanco CLP$23000.0
The website of Gama Bus is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Gama Bus Chile in spanish: - información no disponible
Gama Bus Chile in english: - Información no disponible
During 2020 the company was subjected to 18 controls, resulting in 5 violations due to technical or documentation failures.
Route | Price | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 23.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book | |
$ 15.000 | Book |