Buy bus tickets of Buses Silva & Díaz online

About Buses Silva & Díaz

Buses Silva y Diaz is a company dedicated to cargo and passenger transport services that was born in the city of Iquique in the Tarapacá Region in 2018.

Buses Silva y Diaz offers routes in the north of Chile between the cities of Arica, Sierra Gorda, Iquique, Calama and Pica.

Its fleet is made up of 3 one-story buses. You can purchase tickets with this bus company through its physical offices located in the Iquique Bus Terminal, the Arica Bus Terminal and the Alto Hospicio Bus Terminal.

infoInformation of Buses Silva & Díaz

Founding date:
Head office:
Website’s languages: Spanish
Fleet size: 2 buses
Main destinations:
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Buses Silva & Díaz:

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Buses Silva & Díaz on daily basis?

Buses Silva & Díaz covers routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Buses Silva & Díaz?


What is the contact details of Buses Silva & Díaz?

Customer support of Buses Silva & Díaz is


Cancelation process and charges of Buses Silva & Díaz online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Buses Silva & Díaz tickets online on Buses Silva & Dí There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Buses Silva & Díaz?


What are the main routes of Buses Silva & Díaz?

Main routes of Buses Silva & Díaz are following:


Buses Silva & Díaz site language compatibility?

The website of Buses Silva & Díaz is available in: Spanish
Buses Silva & Díaz Chile in spanish: -

Agencia Arica
Diego Portales 951
Arica,  Arica y Parinacota
Agencia Iquique
Patricio Lynch 50
Iquique,  Tarapacá
Agencia Alto Hospicio
Los Aromos 3980
Alto Hospicio,  Tarapacá
Agencia Calama
Antofagasta 2239
Calama,  Antofagasta

During the second semester of 2019 and 2020, the Undersecretariat of Transportation carried out 31 inspections of the Buses Diaz y Silva company, having a perfect result in the evaluations. This confirms the commitment to the safety and maintenance of its units, to offer the best service to its customers.

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