Buy bus tickets in the routes of Buses Jimenez

About Buses Jiménez

Buses Jiménez is an intercity bus company that operates between the Metropolitan Region and the Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Region. Buses Jiménez sells tickets to rural destinations that usually don’t have good accessibility.

Some of the destinations they offer are Cocalán, El Estero, El Manzano, Melipilla, Santa Inés, Santiago, Rapel Lake, Las Cabras and Llallauquen.

The company has a fleet of 12 buses with an average age of 12.3 years. Its headquarters are located in the city of Santiago, at office number 9 of the San Borja Bus Terminal.


infoInformation of Buses Jiménez

Founding date: Información no disponible
Head office: Terminal San Borja, ofinica 9, Estación Central Región Metropolitana, Chile.
Website’s languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Fleet size: 12 buses
Main destinations:
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Buses Jiménez: +56 2 7765786

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Buses Jiménez on daily basis?

Buses Jiménez covers routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Buses Jiménez?


What is the contact details of Buses Jiménez?

Customer support of Buses Jiménez is +56 2 7765786


Cancelation process and charges of Buses Jiménez online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Buses Jiménez tickets online on Buses Jimé There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Buses Jiménez?


What are the main routes of Buses Jiménez?

Main routes of Buses Jiménez are following:


Buses Jiménez site language compatibility?

The website of Buses Jiménez is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Buses Jiménez Chile in spanish: - Información no disponible
Buses Jiménez Chile in english: - Información no disponible

Call Center: (2) 7765786 /(9) 78056948


Oficinas y teléfonos de Buses Jimenez:

Terminal San Borja, Of. 9 - San Borjas nº184, Región Metropolitana - Tel: (2) 7765786 / (9) 78056948

In recent times, the safety standards of Buses Jiménez have improved considerably taking into account the results of the audits carried out by the Undersecretary of Transportation.

The average rate of violations of Buses Jiménez during the first semester of 2019 was 38.9%, during the second semester of the year, this average had a slight improvement, reaching 36.4%. During 2020, the company decided to double the size of its fleet and, in the results of the inspection program, it managed to reduce its average to 15.4%.

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