2 results found for this route.
Valparaíso is located 1502 kilometers from Calama, that is why to get to this northern city you must start your journey through Route 5. During your journey you will pass through some towns such as Taltal, Chañaral and Caldera.
To travel to Calama you must make a stop in Santiago and from there change to a bus that arrives in Calama.
The departure of buses from Valparaíso to Santiago is from the Valparaíso Rodoviario Terminal. The buses arrive in Calama at the Balmaceda Bus Terminal, or at terminals and stops imposed by the companies.
When you enter our app you will find all the means of land transport to travel from the north to the south of Chile and in cities of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, we are the perfect link for your purchase.
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Kupos.com is your best alternative to travel from Valparaíso and is at your fingertips.
Valparaíso is one of the largest cities in Chile and is located in the Valparaíso Region.
Valparaíso was the first commercial port in the country and has been declared "Cultural Heritage City of Humanity" by UNESCO, mainly for its invaluable architectural wealth.
It is characterized by its innumerable hills and viewpoints, around the city you can find the traditional elevators and funiculars that offer a very convenient means of transport to climb to the top of its hills.
Calama is located in the Province of El Loa in the Antofagasta Region, 1,537 kilometers from Santiago.
It is a city that has a beautiful ecosystem, in places like Cerro La Cruz you can appreciate its beautiful landscapes and the characteristic fauna of the area. On the other hand, in places like the Topater sector you can find a place dreamed of by archaeologists, since it contains the first vestiges of the pre-Inca population.
Its folkloric and religious celebrations are incredible, that is why if you want to enjoy them the best time to visit Calama is during the summer months, when it is celebrated. the Calameño Summer, the National and International Folk Encounter and the Calama Month.
thu, 16 Jan 2025
fri, 17 Jan 2025
sat, 18 Jan 2025
sun, 19 Jan 2025
En Chile hay 1 empresas de buses que ofrecen servicios regulares desde Valparaíso a Calama.
En kupos.cl te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comparar en línea los precios, horarios y servicios de la mayoría de las empresas de buses en Chile. Puedes visitar kupos.cl o descargar nuestra app y comprar tus pasajes de la manera más fácil y conveniente para ti, utilizando efectivo, tarjeta de débito o crédito, PayPal, etc. También puedes comprar tus pasajes directamente en el sitio web de la empresa de bus.
El pasaje de bus más barato de Valparaíso a Calama cuesta CLP$ 39.000, y está disponible el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
Turbus ofrece el pasaje de bus más barato desde Valparaíso a Calama, en asiento Salon cama por CLP $ 49.900, para viajar el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
La distancia entre Valparaíso y Calama es de 1522 Kms, y el viaje en bus puede demorar un mínimo de 23 horas.
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Valparaíso a Calama es a las 10:00 y es ofrecido por Turbus
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Valparaíso a Calama es a las 14:00 y es ofrecido por Turbus.
Según los comentarios y calificaciones de los usuarios de kupos.cl, las tres mejores empresas para viajar en bus desde Valparaíso a Calama son: Rating Turbus, (3.5* basado en 3456 calificaciones),
En los buses de Valparaíso a Calama un asiento Salon cama cuesta alrededor de CLP$49.900, un asiento Semi cama cuesta alrededor de CLP$39.000,
Generalmente, los buses que viajan desde Valparaíso a Calama tienen las siguientes características y comodidades: Cargador de celular, WiFi, aire acondicionado, televisión, café, entre otros.
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