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Coyhaique and Santiago are separated by 1,693 kilometers, a 26-hour journey through Route 5 and the Carretera Austral. On this trip you will pass through beautiful cities such as Puerto Varas, Osorno, Temuco and many more.
To travel to Santiago by land, you must first take a bus to Puerto Montt, with the Transaustral or Buses Becker companies.
Once in Puerto Montt, you can take another bus that takes you directly to Santiago, some of the companies that make this trip are: Vía Tur, Pullman Bus, Cóndor Bus, Buses ETM, Lago Sur and Bus Norte.
Leave the planning of your trips in our hands, we offer all our users the best platform to plan their trip. kupos.cl gives you the facility to compare the services offered by different companies on our platform so that you can quote and buy in the easiest way.
In addition, you can access the carpool routes that take you to Santiago or even move within the city using this service. In addition, we offer the best options if you want to move to nearby airports; and providers for private or special travel services to and from Coyhaique.
Coyhaique is a city located in the Aysén Region. It is characterized by its cold climate, with humid summers, strong winds and maximum temperatures of 23 °C in summer.
Being in Coyhaique you will feel enchanted with the hospitality and kindness of its inhabitants, in addition to the beautiful landscapes, typical of southern Chile. You can visit the Alto Baguales Wind Park and the Dos Lagunas Natural Monument, whose protected areas have representative fauna of the country. In the city you can visit national monuments such as the Pedro Quintana Mansilla School and Las Construcciones de la Sociedad Industrial de Aysén.
Santiago de Chile is the famous national capital, a city that never stops and is full of life and dynamism, which you will see reflected when you walk through its historic center through its streets and neighborhoods.
In its historic center you can find a series of places that you deserve to know, such as the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral of Santiago, the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art and of course, many cafes where you can sit down to rest after your walk. If you want a very indigenous experience, we recommend visiting its famous Central Market and La Vega Market, where you will find a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and typical foods.
mon, 17 Mar 2025
tue, 18 Mar 2025
wed, 19 Mar 2025
thu, 20 Mar 2025
En Chile hay empresas de buses que ofrecen servicios regulares desde Coyhaique a Santiago.
En kupos.cl te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comparar en línea los precios, horarios y servicios de la mayoría de las empresas de buses en Chile. Puedes visitar kupos.cl o descargar nuestra app y comprar tus pasajes de la manera más fácil y conveniente para ti, utilizando efectivo, tarjeta de débito o crédito, PayPal, etc. También puedes comprar tus pasajes directamente en el sitio web de la empresa de bus.
El pasaje de bus más barato de Coyhaique a Santiago cuesta CLP$ , y está disponible el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
ofrece el pasaje de bus más barato desde Coyhaique a Santiago, en asiento por CLP $ , para viajar el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
La distancia entre Coyhaique y Santiago es de 1695 Kms, y el viaje en bus puede demorar un mínimo de 26 horas.
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Coyhaique a Santiago es a las y es ofrecido por
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Coyhaique a Santiago es a las y es ofrecido por .
Según los comentarios y calificaciones de los usuarios de kupos.cl, las tres mejores empresas para viajar en bus desde Coyhaique a Santiago son:
En los buses de Coyhaique a Santiago
Generalmente, los buses que viajan desde Coyhaique a Santiago tienen las siguientes características y comodidades: Cargador de celular, WiFi, aire acondicionado, televisión, café, entre otros.
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