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From Santiago, you can get to Algarrobo by land through Route 68 and F-90. With kupos.cl you can get to Algarrobo by land through different transportation options:
If you want to travel by bus or interurban transport, you can easily buy your tickets and travel with the Buses Bahía Azul, Turbus or Pullman Costa Central lines. The departures of the buses depart from Terminal Sur or Terminal Alameda.
At kupos.cl we also give you another transportation alternative through carpool or shared car, traveling according to the comforts you require and for less time. If you want to travel within Algarrobo and get to know the city through its different streets, carpooling is an excellent option, since in this transport system you share expenses with other people, you can make friends and choose the comforts of the trip.
The kupos.cl team is constantly improving to offer a quality service, here you will find all the transport options to arrive and move around in each of your destinations and be part of a pleasant experience. In kupos.cl you can find the available routes to get to and from Algarrobo, compare the prices of the different services and choose the one that suits you best.
Santiago is the capital of Chile, a city characterized by its 19th century neoclassical architecture and streets with different "art-deco" and "neo-gothic" styles. In the city are located the main public organisms like the judiciary, the government palace, among others of great importance, being the main axis of economic development of the country. Santiago de Chile, is one of the six provinces of the Metropolitan Region, with 32 communes and modern highways, it is the seventh most populated city in Latin America and the most populated urban area in the country. The Andes mountain range can be seen from many points in the city. On the periphery you can find vineyards, and within hours you can reach the mountains or the Pacific Ocean.
The city of Algarrobo is also a Chilean city located in the Province of San Antonio in the Valparaíso Region. Known as the nautical capital of Chile, since different types of activities and sports such as sailing and surfing are practiced, mainly in summer. Its beaches and proximity to the capital make Algarrobo one of the favorite destinations for tourists, among the most outstanding beaches are: El Canelo, El Canelillo, Los Tubos, San Pedro, where the fishermen's cove is, Playa International, that hosts concerts and events, as well as Tunquén known for being the meeting place for hundreds of hippies in the 60s.
fri, 17 Jan 2025
sat, 18 Jan 2025
sun, 19 Jan 2025
mon, 20 Jan 2025
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
En Chile hay 5 empresas de buses que ofrecen servicios regulares desde Santiago a Algarrobo.
Turbus, Pullman Costa, Bahía Azul, Berr Tur, Cóndor Bus
En kupos.cl te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comparar en línea los precios, horarios y servicios de la mayoría de las empresas de buses en Chile. Puedes visitar kupos.cl o descargar nuestra app y comprar tus pasajes de la manera más fácil y conveniente para ti, utilizando efectivo, tarjeta de débito o crédito, PayPal, etc. También puedes comprar tus pasajes directamente en el sitio web de la empresa de bus.
El pasaje de bus más barato de Santiago a Algarrobo cuesta CLP$ 6.700, y está disponible el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
Bahía Azul ofrece el pasaje de bus más barato desde Santiago a Algarrobo, en asiento Semi cama por CLP $ 6.700, para viajar el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
La distancia entre Santiago y Algarrobo es de 110 Kms, y el viaje en bus puede demorar un mínimo de 1 horas.
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Santiago a Algarrobo es a las 06:40 y es ofrecido por Turbus
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Santiago a Algarrobo es a las 21:45 y es ofrecido por Berr Tur.
Según los comentarios y calificaciones de los usuarios de kupos.cl, las tres mejores empresas para viajar en bus desde Santiago a Algarrobo son: Rating Turbus, (3.5* basado en 3456 calificaciones), Rating Pullman Costa, (3.6* basado en 845 calificaciones), Rating Bahía Azul, (3.1* basado en 612 calificaciones), Rating Berr Tur, (3.0* basado en 637 calificaciones), Rating Cóndor Bus, (3.3* basado en 3456 calificaciones),
En los buses de Santiago a Algarrobo un asiento Semi cama cuesta alrededor de CLP$6.700, un asiento Ejecutivo cuesta alrededor de CLP$8.200, un asiento Salon cama cuesta alrededor de CLP$7.000,
Generalmente, los buses que viajan desde Santiago a Algarrobo tienen las siguientes características y comodidades: Cargador de celular, WiFi, aire acondicionado, televisión, café, entre otros.
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