Buy Bus Tickets Online to Algarrobo

ABOUT Algarrobo

Algarrobo is a Chilean town located two hours away from Santiago in San Antonio province in the Valparaiso Region. It’s known as the nautical capital of Chile.

This city is one of the favorite destinations during summer because of the beaches and being located nearby Santiago, where most of the visitors come from. It has numerous beaches: El Canelo, El Canelillo, Deportivo Nacional, Los Tubos known for its pier damaged by the passage of time, San Pedro where the fisherman's cove is located, el Club de Yates, El Pejerrey, Las Cadenas, Caminito, Internacional that is normally used to carry on concerts and events, Algarrobo Norte, Las Dichas, Mirasol, El Cura, El Yeco and Tunquén, this last one being known as the favorite gathering place for hundreds of hippies during the 60’s.

Walking around the city center allows you to discover all it’s charm. The cultural and commercial activity focuses on Carlos Alessandri avenue, where you can find a diverse gastronomic menu with a lot of seafood at restaurants like El Muelle or the popular El Hoyo.

Religious activity in Algarrobo is strong, that’s why you can find several catholic temples with beautiful architecture like Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción and Iglesia Santa Teresita. It’s important to know that in the rural zone of San José can be found a church reconstructed by the neighbours after the earthquake that hit the city in 1985.

Within the flora of the city you can find typical trees of the region such as the maitén peumo, boldo, molle, canelo and algarrobo. In the islet Pájaro Niño, Humboldt Penguins are observed in some stations because they arrive to nest their eggs.

From Santiago, you can reach Algarrobo following Route 68. At we help you to get to Algarrobo through various ground transportation options: If you want to travel by bus, you can easily purchase your ticket and travel with Buses Bahia Azul or Pullman Costa Central. If you are looking for another alternative, you can share a ride with our carpool service, so you can travel comfortably, safe and for less money. With our carpooling options you can also move inside the city, paying less money for quality transportation and sharing a car. it’s the ideal platform to find all the transportation options to move to and from wherever you want. it’s the ideal platform to find all the transportation options to move to and from wherever you want.

tipsTips de viaje para Algarrobo

The biggest pool in the world

Have you ever been in a pool that looks infinite? you can do it in Algarrobo where you can find the winner of the Guinness Record for the biggest pool in the world.

It is more than 1000 meters long and 3 meters in depth, this pool is located in San Alfonso del Mar, a fancy resort with more than 13000 apartments for renting. The prices go between $200.000 and $400.000 each night, but an experience like this one is worth the sacrifice, do you dare to go?

Mirasol beach pirate hideout

Like a whim of nature, Mirasol beach is a little hidden place that you need to visit. You get there goin through a wooden bridge, surrounded by a native forest and wetlands it’s definitely a magical place.

This wonderful beach of fine sand it’s ideal for taking a rest, it’s also known for its pirate cave, another one of it’s highlights. This beach is a perfect spot if you like photography and enjoy going to uncommon places.

Beaches of forest and sea

Between the thick and extensive pine forest can be found El Canelo y El Canelillo, two unmissable beaches of Algarrobo for all sea lovers.

These beaches call for adventure, because the surrounding mountains allow the visitors to enjoy activities like canopy, scuba diving and more. You can look at the sea from every perspective, this is the best scene to enjoy Algarrobo at its best.

Algarrobo, sea and great gastronomy 

Like all the touristic coastal cities, Algarrobo is full of dining options for all tastes and budgets.

Going from fry fish and chilean empanadas at the patio of Carlos Alessandri avenue; to pizza, seafood and even vegan or vegetarian options at places like Il Toscano and Macerado; in Algarrobo you can find the perfect alternative to please your palate.

Do you want to try new dishes or do you prefer a safe bet? Here you can find a few recommendations for you 


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Santiago to Algarrobo Book
Santiago to Algarrobo Book
Santiago to Algarrobo Book
Santiago to Algarrobo Book

Images of Algarrobo

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025