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Kupos.com helps you travel to Calama, a mining city in the north of Chile, through the services of Pullman Bus, which offers direct trips from Salamanca, in addition, you also have the option of travel by stopping in Los Vilos and then continue your journey with the company Pluss Chile.
If you want to travel in a different way, on the kupos.com platform we offer the carpool or car sharing service, a travel alternative that allows you to meet people, reduce expenses together and choose the preferences you need at the time.
We adapt to your lifestyle, that is why our platform allows you to compare options and buy your tickets from wherever you are, quickly and easily.
In our app you can access the available routes that take you to the municipality of Salamanca and buy tickets through the website, have all the knowledge to move within the municipality, paying the same or even less for quality mobility. Kupos.com offers all the ground transportation options in a single virtual platform, so you can plan your trip in the way that suits you best and at your fingertips.
Salamanca is a commune belonging to the Province of Choapa and the Region of Coquimbo.
The city is known for having several important tourist destinations, the first of which is La Raja de Manquehua, followed by the Church of the Lord of the Earth, a religious sanctuary that was built during the 20th century.
The city of Salamanca preserves a large number of petroglyphs that are found in Chalinga, a picturesque town with beautiful ravines and where you can also visit several vineyards of chicha and chacolo (grape liquor) that are produced in an artisanal way.
Calama is located in the El Loa Province in the II Region of Antofagasta, it is a mining city par excellence that has an extreme desert climate, with low temperatures at night but high during the day and little rainfall.
Calama is the point of arrival for those who wish to visit one of the must-see destinations for tourists visiting Chile, San Pedro de Atacama, which has among its attractions the Cejar Lagoon.
Its main economic activity is mining, in this city is Chuquicamata, one of the largest open pit mines in the world. From here you can access several tourist spots such as Alto el Loa, a beautiful and fertile valley, full of culture and tradition.
fri, 07 Mar 2025
sat, 08 Mar 2025
sun, 09 Mar 2025
mon, 10 Mar 2025
En Chile hay empresas de buses que ofrecen servicios regulares desde Salamanca a Calama.
En kupos.cl te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comparar en línea los precios, horarios y servicios de la mayoría de las empresas de buses en Chile. Puedes visitar kupos.cl o descargar nuestra app y comprar tus pasajes de la manera más fácil y conveniente para ti, utilizando efectivo, tarjeta de débito o crédito, PayPal, etc. También puedes comprar tus pasajes directamente en el sitio web de la empresa de bus.
El pasaje de bus más barato de Salamanca a Calama cuesta CLP$ , y está disponible el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
ofrece el pasaje de bus más barato desde Salamanca a Calama, en asiento por CLP $ , para viajar el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
La distancia entre Salamanca y Calama es de 1383 Kms, y el viaje en bus puede demorar un mínimo de 15 horas.
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Salamanca a Calama es a las y es ofrecido por
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde Salamanca a Calama es a las y es ofrecido por .
Según los comentarios y calificaciones de los usuarios de kupos.cl, las tres mejores empresas para viajar en bus desde Salamanca a Calama son:
En los buses de Salamanca a Calama
Generalmente, los buses que viajan desde Salamanca a Calama tienen las siguientes características y comodidades: Cargador de celular, WiFi, aire acondicionado, televisión, café, entre otros.
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