Buy bus tickets in the routes of Moraga Tour

About Moraga Tour

Buses Moraga Tour is a passenger transport company located in Curicó, offering throughout its 50 years of experience a service with quality and safety, with a range of services.

Moraga Tour is distinguished by offering the transfer between the cities of Santiago to Curicó, but also offers international tours to destinations within Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile.

On board their units you can have the comforts of having air conditioning, bathroom and television. In order to guarantee the safety of the passengers, Buses Moraga Tour has seat belts, an integrated GPS system, retarders for braking on slopes, and tire gauges, which avoid air drops and punctures.

infoInformation of Moraga Tour

Founding date:
Head office:
Website’s languages: Spanish
Fleet size:
Main destinations:
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Moraga Tour:

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Moraga Tour on daily basis?

Moraga Tour covers routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Moraga Tour?


What is the contact details of Moraga Tour?

Customer support of Moraga Tour is


Cancelation process and charges of Moraga Tour online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Moraga Tour tickets online on Moraga There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Moraga Tour?


What are the main routes of Moraga Tour?

Main routes of Moraga Tour are following:


Moraga Tour site language compatibility?

The website of Moraga Tour is available in: Spanish
Moraga Tour Chile in spanish: -

Agencia Santiago
Nicasio Retamales 044
Santiago,  Región Metropolitana
Agencia Curicó
Camilo Henriquez 791
Curicó,  Maule

Currently there's no security information available on Moraga Tour.

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