Founded By Mr. Oscar Jeldres Sanchez in the Región del Biobío for over 30 years ago, Buses Jeldres is one of the leading bus operators in the regional routes of Biobío. Buses Jeldres offers frequent services between Concepcion city and Cañete. From Concepcion the buses start from Collao Terminal de Concepción and the company has its own bus terminal in the Cañete city.
Buses Jeldres covers 353 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Cerro Alto to Curanilahue
Longest route is Tirúa to Concepción.
Customer support of Buses Jeldres is (+43) 2611909
Users can easily cancel Buses Jeldres tickets online on Buses There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Cerro Alto to Curanilahue: CLP$3000
Most expensive route is Cañete to Contulmo: CLP$20500.
Main routes of Buses Jeldres are following:
Concepción to Cañete CLP$7500.0, Concepción to Cañete CLP$7500.0, Concepción to Antihuala CLP$7500.0
The website of Buses Jeldres is available in: Spanish , English
Buses Jeldres Chile in spanish: -
Buses Jeldres Chile in english: -
Route | Price | |
$ 7.500 | Book | |
$ 4.000 | Book | |
$ 4.000 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 6.500 | Book | |
$ 7.500 | Book | |
$ 11.500 | Book | |
$ 20.500 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book | |
$ 7.500 | Book | |
$ 3.500 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 6.500 | Book | |
$ 6.500 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 4.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 5.500 | Book | |
$ 6.500 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book | |
$ 3.000 | Book | |
$ 8.500 | Book |