Buses Biaggini - Buy bus tickets online

About Buses Biaggini

Buses Biaggini is a company with more than 20 years of experience in the transportation of people, its services are focused on the industrial, mining and tourism sectors at national and international level, specifically in the north of Chile. The founder of the company is Sidney Biaggini Gomez who started the company's activities on March 11, 2011, seeking professional development and provide options for community growth. 

Although Buses Biaggini in its beginnings had low attendance and only one bus, it has gradually built its fleet over time. Currently the company has consolidated its position in the field of transportation, covering both rural intercity and private transport, with a fleet of more than 40 buses and positioning itself as one of the largest in the Antofagasta Region.

They affirm that their values are framed by respect, honesty and transparency, seeking to provide a quality service for the satisfaction of all their customers. Its main routes of intercity services are developed between the cities of Antofagasta, Arica and Mejillones, not to mention its private and business transportation services.

infoInformation of Buses Biaggini

Founding date: 2011
Head office:
Website’s languages: Spanish
Fleet size: 40
Main destinations: Antofagasta, Arica, Mejillones
Departures from Santiago:
Teléfono Buses Biaggini: +56 55 2622982

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Buses Biaggini on daily basis?

Buses Biaggini covers 56 routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Buses Biaggini?

Shortest route is Antofagasta to Mejillones
Longest route is Mejillones to Arica.


What is the contact details of Buses Biaggini?

Customer support of Buses Biaggini is +56 55 2622982


Cancelation process and charges of Buses Biaggini online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Buses Biaggini tickets online on Buses Biaggini.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Buses Biaggini?

Cheapest route is Antofagasta to Mejillones: CLP$4300
Most expensive route is Arica to Mejillones: CLP$28000.


What are the main routes of Buses Biaggini?

Main routes of Buses Biaggini are following:
Mejillones to Antofagasta CLP$4300.0, Antofagasta to Mejillones CLP$4300.0, Mejillones to Arica CLP$28000.0


Buses Biaggini site language compatibility?

The website of Buses Biaggini is available in: Spanish
Buses Biaggini Chile in spanish: - www.busesbiaggini.cl

Rutas y pasajes de Buses Biaggini

No information available

Ranking de Buses Biaggini
Buses Biaggini tiene una calificación promedio de 3.7 sobre 5 puntos en kupos.cl, de acuerdo a los comentarios de 396 usuarios que viajaron con Buses Biaggini en los últimos 6 meses. Estos usuarios calificaron a Buses Biaggini y su servicio en función de los siguientes criterios:
- Quality of the bus: 3.7
- Punctuality: 3.8
- Service and Attention: 3.8
- Would you recommend the service?: 3.7
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Eliceo Velasquez
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Rosa Gallardo
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Braulio Torres
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Carolina Canihuante
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Marcela Avila
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "Segunda vez que compro pasajes y 2da vez que máquina llega atrasada con más de 30 minutos a terminal de buses, retrasando la hora de llegada a mi lugar de destino en más de 60 minutos, cuando la llegada era de 20:30 app, Llegando a las 21:30."
    Rodrigo Cortés Rojas
    3.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Cristhian Sandoval Alvear
    5.0 #{t :rating}

Comentarios de otros usuarios

Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

Danos tu opinión

Routes and prices of Buses Biaggini

Route Price
Images of Buses Biaggini
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  • operator_image