Bus Vitivinícola covers 197 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Puerto Montt to Osorno
Longest route is Santiago to San Carlos De Bariloche.
Customer support of Bus Vitivinícola is
Users can easily cancel Bus Vitivinícola tickets online on Bus Vitivinícola.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Valdivia to Osorno: CLP$6000
Most expensive route is Santiago to San Carlos De Bariloche: CLP$85000.
Main routes of Bus Vitivinícola are following:
Mendoza to Santiago CLP$44000.00, Santiago to Mendoza CLP$37000.00, Mendoza to Viña del Mar CLP$47000.00
The website of Bus Vitivinícola is available in: Spanish
Bus Vitivinícola Chile in spanish: -
Route | Price | |
$ 45.000 | Book | |
$ 33.000 | Book | |
$ 10.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book | |
$ 37.000 | Book | |
$ 6.000 | Book | |
$ 44.000 | Book | |
$ 47.000 | Book | |
$ 37.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book | |
$ 30.000 | Book | |
$ 18.000 | Book | |
$ 9.000 | Book | |
$ 47.000 | Book | |
$ 19.500 | Book | |
$ 44.000 | Book | |
$ 32.000 | Book | |
$ 85.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book | |
$ 37.000 | Book | |
$ 11.000 | Book | |
$ 37.000 | Book | |
$ 35.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book | |
$ 25.000 | Book | |
$ 25.000 | Book | |
$ 20.000 | Book | |
$ 6.000 | Book | |
$ 12.000 | Book | |
$ 47.000 | Book | |
$ 60.000 | Book |