Bus Norte - Buy bus tickets online

About Bus Norte

The transportation company Bus Norte was founded at the end of the sixties, offering its first services from and to the cities of Puerto Montt, Los Muermos and Maullín.

The company was founded by Osvaldo Cid Moraga, along with its five sons; Juan, Hugo, René, Héctor and Ana María. After a few years the company grew and added services to Osorno passing by other cities and localities during the journey, including Hueyusca, Crucero, Tegualda, Purranque and other frequent destinations in the region.

Such good results took them to extend their services to Valparaíso and Santiago, becoming one of the main passenger transportation companies in the country. In 1982, they started services to Punta Arenas, using the route of San Carlos de Bariloche.

In April 2001, their policies and  administrative management gave them better results, allowing them also to acquire new buses, becoming one of the first companies in the country to incorporate double decker buses to their fleet. At the end of 2005, they made an effort to incorporate management administrative technology, achieving to digitize and enable online sales. In 2006, Bus Norte became the first company in Chile to have an on board internet system for its passengers through 3G technology.

Currently Bus Norte also offers cargo services, plus the Bus Norte club, a special space for frequent travelers who get rewarded with benefits when they choose to travel with the company and subscribe on their website.

Bus Norte has a 21 buses fleet, which offer the following type of services:

  • Semi cama: Reclining seats up to 140°, entertainment (music, videos, reading lights, WiFi), temperature control system, washroom, blankets and pillows.

  • Cama: Reclining seats up to 160°, entertainment (music, videos, reading lights, WiFi), temperature control system, washroom, blankets and pillows.

  • Cama Suite: Reclining seats up to 180°, entertainment (music, videos, reading lights, WiFi), temperature control system, washroom, blankets and pillows.

Today, Bus Norte sells tickets from its 12 branches in Chile to its main destinations, including Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Osorno, La Unión, Valdivia, Santiago, Rancagua, Valparaíso and Viña del Mar.

From Santiago, Bus Norte services depart from the Terminal Sur de Santiago, where passengers can acquire their tickets. In addition to their physical branches, their services are also available in all the platforms of kupos.cl.

helps you to easily search the complete services and bus tickets of Bus Norte online. You can easily search and compare all the schedules of Bus Norte and its key competitors on kupos.cl and choose an option that best fits your travel need. You can also easily check out the amenities (for example mobile ticket, WiFi, USB charger) air conditioner, washroom, snacks, etc.) offered by Bus Norte. kupos.cl is an official partner in selling Bus Norte bus tickets so you are completely protected with a safe, secured, and authorized transaction this will help you avoid any wrong surprise or bad experience with your travel. 

kupos.cl has various active discounts and promotions on Bus Norte and other bus operators, we recommend you to look for such promotions before making your reservations so that you get the best available deal. We assure you the cheapest and the best price on Bus Norte tickets and the services related to post-sales.  Your transaction is fully protected for future cancellation and refund, including an instant refund on your tickets. 

infoInformation of Bus Norte

Founding date: 1960
Head office: Errázuriz N° 1400 Oficina 3, Osorno, Chile.
Website’s languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Fleet size: 19 buses
Main destinations: Santiago, Puerto Montt, Rancagua
Departures from Santiago: Terminal sur
Teléfono Bus Norte: 600 401 5151
  • WiFiWiFi

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the total number of routes covered by Bus Norte on daily basis?

Bus Norte covers 19 routes (approx.) on daily basis.


What is the shortest and the longest route covered by Bus Norte?

Shortest route is Rancagua to Santiago
Longest route is Santiago to Puerto Montt.


What is the contact details of Bus Norte?

Customer support of Bus Norte is 600 401 5151


Cancelation process and charges of Bus Norte online tickets?

Users can easily cancel Bus Norte tickets online on Bus Norte.cl. There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.


What is the ticket price of Bus Norte?

Cheapest route is Osorno to La Unión: CLP$5000
Most expensive route is Santiago to Puerto Montt: CLP$46000.


What are the main routes of Bus Norte?

Main routes of Bus Norte are following:
Rancagua to Santiago CLP$ 7300, Santiago to Rancagua CLP$ 6400, Osorno to Puerto Montt CLP$ 6000


Bus Norte site language compatibility?

The website of Bus Norte is available in: Spanish , English , Portuguese
Bus Norte Chile in spanish: - www.busnortechile.cl
Bus Norte Chile in english: - No disponible

Rutas y pasajes de Bus Norte

  • Dirección principal: Errázuriz N° 1400 Oficina 3, Osorno, Chile.
  • Teléfono principal: 600 401 5151

Agencia Puerto Varas
Andres Bello 204. Local 20
Puerto Varas,  Los Lagos
Tel: (+56 65) 223 4298
Agencia Osorno
Errázuriz 1400
Osorno,  Los Lagos
Tel: (+56 64) 223 3319 (+56 64) 223 6147
Agencia Rancagua
Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 484. Local 5
Rancagua,  O'Higgins
Tel: (+56 72) 222 1455
Agencia Puerto Montt
Av. Diego Portales S/N, Local 6
Puerto Montt,  Los Lagos
Tel: (+56 65) 225 2783
Agencia Río Bueno
Esmeralda 1499
Río Bueno,  Los Ríos
Tel: (+56 64) 234 1089
Agencia La Unión
Av. Augusto Grob 1080, Local 2
La Unión,  Los Ríos
Tel: (+56 64) 232 2785
Agencia Paillaco
Camilo Henríquez 220, Local 17
Paillaco,  Los Ríos
Tel: (+56 63) 242 1295
Agencia Valdivia
Anfión Muñoz 60, Local 6
Valdivia,  Los Ríos
Tel: (+ 56 63) 221 2800
Agencia Santiago
Nicasio Retamales 42. Local 72
Santiago,  Región Metropolitana
Tel: (+56 22) 779 5433
Agencia Santiago
Nicasio Retamales 17
Santiago,  Región Metropolitana
Tel: (+56 22) 776 1960
Agencia Valparaíso
Pedro Montt 2831
Valparaíso,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 225 8322
Agencia Viña del Mar
Valparaíso 1055. Local 19B
Viña del Mar,  Valparaíso
Tel: (+56 32) 271 5345

The commitment to safety of Bus Norte is reflected in the outcome of the national inspection program carried out by the Subsecretaría de Transporte. During the second semester of 2019, a period in which they were inspected more than 120 times, they achieved a decrease in the percentage of infractions compared to previous registrations, reaching 15.5%.

Ranking de Bus Norte
Bus Norte tiene una calificación promedio de 3.1 sobre 5 puntos en kupos.cl, de acuerdo a los comentarios de 1352 usuarios que viajaron con Bus Norte en los últimos 6 meses. Estos usuarios calificaron a Bus Norte y su servicio en función de los siguientes criterios:
- Quality of the bus: 3.5
- Punctuality: 3.7
- Service and Attention: 3.5
- Would you recommend the service?: 3.4
  • "El bus se quedó en pana en Mulchén, ahora dicen que hay que ir a la agencia en Santiago para que devuelvan el dinero"
    Allison Kristinne Olivares Orias
    3.8 #{t :rating}
  • "Buenos chóferes Gracias "
    Ximena González Montes
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Cristian Martinez
    5.0 #{t :rating}
  • "Por internet tenían un valor muy alto, 53.000, y por ventanilla, 18.000 una estafa!!"
    Francisco Mora
    3.0 #{t :rating}
  • "Lamentablemente quedamos en panne de rueda, quizas pueda ser bueno revisar el estado del bus antes del viaje, porque llegué casi 2 horas tarde. "
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Mónica Bustamante Medina
    4.0 #{t :rating}
  • "No dejó comentarios"
    Pamela Agüero
    4.8 #{t :rating}

Comentarios de otros usuarios

Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

Danos tu opinión

Routes and prices of Bus Norte

Route Price