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If you want to travel from Santiago to San Antonio by intercity transport, you can find tickets in our app kupos.cl. We take you on the Pullman Costa Central bus line.
If you want to travel by land but in a different way, carpooling, or car sharing, is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. Also with kupos.cl you can access the available carpool routes that take you to San Antonio and get around the city with this service.
We offer a wide variety of transport services, we are the platform that takes you to the Metropolitan Region and all the other destinations you need to know. kupos.cl is a platform created with the intention of connecting users, helping to meet their expectations at each stage of the journey.
The city of San Antonio is located in the Province of San Antonio, in the Valparaíso Region, being considered one of the most important ports in Chile.
In its surroundings are the communes of Santo Domingo and Cartagena. The city has a Mediterranean climate with a coastal influence and an average annual temperature of 13.5 ° C.
If you are in San Antonio you should visit the Municipal Museum of Natural Sciences and Archeology, which seeks to promote research in the area and disseminate the heritage of the area. You can also visit the city's fishing market, it is located in Caleta Pintor Pacheco Altamirano where you can buy fresh sea products and take boat rides to the port facilities.
Santiago is the beautiful capital of Chile and one of the six provinces of the Metropolitan Region. It is the center of development of the main economic activities of the country, especially in the commercial and services area. The city has modern highways that guarantee an excellent connection with the rest of the country.
Santiago is the seventh most populated city in Latin America, it has a very cosmopolitan character and is a must-see destination for all foreigners who visit the country. The most important hydrographic basins in the capital are the Maipo River and the Mapocho River. Santiago has characteristic heritage sites of the city, as well as an extensive network of museums and cultural centers.
fri, 28 Mar 2025
sat, 29 Mar 2025
sun, 30 Mar 2025
mon, 31 Mar 2025
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
CLP$ 5.000
En Chile hay 1 empresas de buses que ofrecen servicios regulares desde San Antonio a Santiago.
Pullman Costa
En kupos.cl te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comparar en línea los precios, horarios y servicios de la mayoría de las empresas de buses en Chile. Puedes visitar kupos.cl o descargar nuestra app y comprar tus pasajes de la manera más fácil y conveniente para ti, utilizando efectivo, tarjeta de débito o crédito, PayPal, etc. También puedes comprar tus pasajes directamente en el sitio web de la empresa de bus.
El pasaje de bus más barato de San Antonio a Santiago cuesta CLP$ 5.500, y está disponible el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
Pullman Costa ofrece el pasaje de bus más barato desde San Antonio a Santiago, en asiento Ejecutivo por CLP $ 5.500, para viajar el día 14 de mayo de 2020 en kupos.cl.
La distancia entre San Antonio y Santiago es de 118 Kms, y el viaje en bus puede demorar un mínimo de 01 horas.
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde San Antonio a Santiago es a las 05:10 y es ofrecido por Pullman Costa
El horario más temprano para viajar en bus desde San Antonio a Santiago es a las 21:00 y es ofrecido por Pullman Costa.
Según los comentarios y calificaciones de los usuarios de kupos.cl, las tres mejores empresas para viajar en bus desde San Antonio a Santiago son: Rating Pullman Costa, (3.6* basado en 845 calificaciones),
En los buses de San Antonio a Santiago un asiento Ejecutivo cuesta alrededor de CLP$5.500,
Generalmente, los buses que viajan desde San Antonio a Santiago tienen las siguientes características y comodidades: Cargador de celular, WiFi, aire acondicionado, televisión, café, entre otros.
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