Roma Buses covers 38 routes (approx.) on daily basis.
Shortest route is Tocopilla to Antofagasta
Longest route is Arica to Antofagasta.
Customer support of Roma Buses is
Users can easily cancel Roma Buses tickets online on Roma There is a 15% cancelation fees for tickets cancelled within minimum four hours before the scheduled departure. Online tickets can not be cancelled within four hours of scheduled departure.
Cheapest route is Antofagasta to Tocopilla: CLP$6000
Most expensive route is Arica to Antofagasta: CLP$25000.
Main routes of Roma Buses are following:
Alto Hospicio to Arica CLP$7000.0, Iquique to Arica CLP$7000.0, Arica to Iquique CLP$10000.0
The website of Roma Buses is available in: Spanish
Roma Buses Chile in spanish: -