Chillán to Concepción | Buy your bus tickets on

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How to travel by bus from Chillán to Concepción?

Why book a bus from Chillán to Concepción with

About Chillán

Chillán is the capital of the province of Ñuble and known as the Cradle of the Fatherland because this is where Bernardo O'Higgins was born. Famous for its proximity to the thermal baths of Chillán and its top-level ski centers, such as the Nevados de Chillán center, it is a favorite destination for many national tourists, from Brazil and North America for its exclusivity and tranquility. In the center of Chillán is the Mercado de Chillán, an unmissable place where you can buy the famous chili pepper sausages of different brands, each and every one of them with a unique flavor, among which we highlight Cecinas Chillán, Cecinas Villablanca and Cecinas Pincheira In the same market there are several restaurants where you can enjoy typical Chilean foods, in the same way they have crafts in wool and wood mainly, to finish with huaso and huasa clothes.

About Concepción

Concepción is the capital of the Bío Bío Region, located 500 km south of Santiago on the side of the BíoBío River. It is the third city in importance and population of the country, besides being the most industrialized commune of Chile. The city is home to a large number of universities, including the University of Concepción, the University of Bío Bío and the Catholic University of the Concepción. The latter means that Concepcion has a wide nightlife and a youthful character as a city. In addition, the city has several hotels and motels to be able to lodge peacefully, such as the Hotel Terrano or the Hotel Diego de Almagro. Many Chilean airlines offer service to this city.

Buses from Chillán to Concepción

Bus ticket prices according to type of seat
seat Cheaper Salon cama
CLP$ 5.350
seat Cheaper Semi cama
CLP$ 4.100
seat Cheaper Clasico
CLP$ 3.800
Average ticket price (CLP): $ 3.995
General Information
bus No Empresas: 5
bus Precio Maximo (CLP): $ 7.200
bus Primera Salidas al dia: 04:15 hrs
bus Distancia: 98 Kms
bus No Servicios: 110
bus Precio Minimo (CLP): $ 3.220
bus Ultima Salida del dia: 21:10 hrs
bus Duration: 01 HRS
Next Dates

thu, 12 Dec 2024

fri, 13 Dec 2024

sat, 14 Dec 2024

sun, 15 Dec 2024