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ABOUT Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine National Park is a milestone between the tourist spots of Chile, this place exalts the majesty of nature, evolution and life. This park is located in the Ultima Esperanza province, in the Magallanes y La Antártica Chilena Region, to be exact 150 kilometers away from Puerto Natales and 450 kilometers away from Punta Arenas.

The history of this park dates back to the end of the 19th century when colonizers arrived in the territory of the Magallanes and La Antártica Chilena Region. These colonizers began to use natural resources for the exploitation of livestock, and the natural environment of the region began to deteriorate. For this reason in 1959 was founded the Torres del Paine National Park, and later in 1978, all the area was declared as biosphere reserve by UNESCO. These days the park is being administered by the National Forest Corporation, an institution that promotes the conservation of the flora, fauna, lakes and glaciers that make up the park. 

Torres del Paine National Park is one of the most important wild and protected areas of Chile since it is located between the Andes Mountains and the Patagonian Steppe. Torres del Paine National Park has a total territory of 227.298 hectares where there are several tourist attractions such as the Cordillera del Paine and its famous massif which include Paine Grande summit and its well known identity towers. However on the inside of the park there are a big variety of geographic natural milestones like valleys, the Paine River, lakes like the Grey, Pehoe and Sarmiento, and also the Grey, Pingo, Tyndall y Geikie glaciers.

Currently this park represents the largest economic activity of the commune because this destination was listed as the fifth most beautiful place in the world by National Geographic magazine, with more than 28000 tourists arriving annually. In accordance with this, there are numerous tourist alternatives to enjoy within the Torres del Paine National Park like tours, camping and various services that go hand in hand with the ambiental conservation politics that rule the park.

Something to keep in mind is the extreme weather at Torres del Paine National Park which is classified as temperate rainy cold, and unlike the rest of Chile, in this park there is no drought, during summer temperatures do not exceed 16 °C, while during the winter the minimum temperature is -2.5 °C. On Torres del Paine National Park strong winds are present all year long and sometimes they can reach gusts of up to 150 kilometers per hour which has caused the inclination on all the vegetation of the area, obeying the strong wind direction.

How to get to Torres del Paine National Park?

Torres del Paine National Park is more than 2,000 kilometers away from Santiago, and  the Presidente Carlos Ibáñez del Campo International Airport is the main air access to the city of Punta Arenas, and at we indicate you the best alternatives for transportation to and from all airports of Chile.

Once in Punta Arenas you can access the park at any time of the year through route CH-9, which is completely paved. If you travel during winter time, it is advisable to use chains on the wheels of the vehicle to ensure a stable ride on the snow.

There are thousands of photos and postcards that show a turquoise water lake from where huge stone towers that are surrounded by snow emerge, that image that is accompanied by glaciers and crystal clear waters is only one  part of everything that this park has to offer, that’s why at we invite you to live the wildest natural experience in Chile, we invite you to live Torres del Paine National Park.


tipsTips de viaje para Torres del Paine

ROUTES TOWARDS Torres del Paine

Route Price
Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine Book
Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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