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ABOUT Puerto Cisnes

Puerto Cisnes is a city that belongs to the commune of Cisnes in the Aysén Region of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo. It is located 200 km north of Coyhaique, and can be accessed by land through the Carretera Austral route number 7, finally taking a 33 km detour that leads to Puerto Cisnes, there are also maritime transport options that connect it with the main cities of the region. The average temperature in summer is 20 ° C, while in winter it can drop to -4 ° C, this being the season with the highest rainfall throughout the year.

It is said that the name of Puerto Cisnes was given by the Chilean explorer Enrique Simpson, who in 1872 arrived at the site and spotted the flight of hundreds of white swans with black necks, and decided to name it in honor of the birds that flew over the area. However, it was not until 1953 that the first settlers began to arrive and the bases of the population were founded. From the beginning, the main economic activity of Puerto Cisnes has been the salmon industry and its associated services, but recently tourism has taken its place. As tourism demand has increased, Puerto Cisnes continues to grow and increase its accommodation services, outdoor recreation and gastronomic options. In the same way, the tourist boom has made it possible to publicize fish leather crafts that attracts attention because of its originality.

Puerto Cisnes has natural attractions such as La Junta, which is a town located at the junction of the Rosselot and Palena rivers, both excellent for practicing outdoor sports and fishing. Islas Galas, is another picturesque town with a fishing tradition, which is four hours away from Puerto Cisnes.

Río Cisnes is a river that is formed from the union of several streams, the route of the river offers visitors wonderful landscapes ideal for postcards, in this river you can practice recreational fishing, kayaking, hiking and camping.

One of the most relevant sites in Puerto Cisnes is the Magdalena Island National Park, it is one of the largest islands in Chile, it’s considered the hidden pearl of the Chilean Insular Patagonia. The park has lakes, forests and virgin steppes, and from there you can navigate to any point in the region. The Laguna Escondida, is another attraction that is parallel to the Cisnes River, its water is crystal clear, surrounded and protected by extensive and lush forests of coigüe, canelos and quilas, which do not allow it to be seen from the road. In addition to the paradisiacal destinations, tourists come to Puerto Cisnes for the Fried Fish Festival, which is an event that takes place the last weekend of each January, lasts three days and the commune receives thousands of visitors who come to visit enjoy the southern hake, a culinary icon in the region.

tipsTips de viaje para Puerto Cisnes


Route Price
Coyhaique to Puerto Cisnes Book
Km 20 to Puerto Cisnes Book
Mañihuales to Puerto Cisnes Book

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