Buy Bus Tickets Online to Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta

ABOUT Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta

The Nahuelbuta National Park has an extraordinary landscape full of tall pehuéns, a unique flora and vegetation with more than 2000 years old. In the mapudungun language, “Nahuelbuta” it’s translated as “big cougar” or sometimes “feline of big size”, and it is because in the high mountains that make up the Nahuelbuta mountain range this species of cats abound.

The park has over 6000 hectares, most of them are on the side of the Malleco Province in the Araucanía Region, while another small portion of the park is in the Province of Arauco in the Bíobío Region. In the Tolhuaca National Park highlights wild endemism and the large number of species that coexist in the area, as well as 5 famous trails that attract the attention of thousands of tourists a year.

Between the most important species several mammals are found like the monito del monte, kodkod and Chiloe’s fox. But if we talk about wild rarities, in this park can be seen some primitive reptiles such as torcuato, the bullock toad and birds as the black woodpecker.

Among the most important trails it is Piedra del Águila, this is a path that leads to one of the highest points of the park, there can be found several rocks and one of them stands out because from its highest point you can have a privileged view of the park, of the volcanoes of the mountain range, the central valley and the coast. The visitors can reach the top of this rock through some wooden stairs that have been arranged for the safety of the tourist.

Another well known path is the Pehuenco, which is known for being the administrative sector of the park and where informative talks are given on the park's wildlife and fauna. Guided tours are also available and you can access the picnic area. Coimallín path it’s a sector immerse in the vegetation where the visitors often gather to rest and get things ready for the excursion to Cerro Anay. There are also the El Arbol Trail and Estero Cabrería or Pehuenco Trail, both of them very recommended to those who seek self-guided and kids friendly tours.

How to get to Nahuelbuta National Park?

This park is located 607 kilometers away from Santiago, and the closest town is Angol, the main land access to this city is through Route 5 and at we take you by bus to Angol with the best offers and services.

From Angol you must take a path known as Cotico, this path can be accessed by private vehicle on a paved path, you come to a ranger area where you can park the vehicles and start the walk on the trails and paths of the park.

Nahuelbuta National Park is a suitable destination for any trip with friends or family, at we invite you to know the park with the tallest trees of Chile.

tipsTips de viaje para Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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