Buy Bus Tickets Online to Lican Ray

ABOUT Lican Ray

Lican Ray is a town located in the Province of Cautín in the Region of La Araucanía and forms, along with other towns, the commune of Villarrica. It is located 23.6 km away from the communal capital and 785 km from the city of Santiago.

The origin of its name comes from the Mapudungun Likan rayen which means rock and flower.

The town of Lican Ray is located 213 meters above sea level and has a warm and temperate climate, abundant in rainfall throughout the year. Temperatures usually vary between 3 ° C and 24 ° C.

One of its great attractions is Lake Calafquén, which has a surface area of ​​120.6 km2 and is 212 meters deep, in addition to having clear blue-green waters. The Calafquén Lake together with the Riñihue, Panguipulli, Pirihueico, Pullinque, Neltume and Pellaifa lakes are part of the Siete Lagos tourist circuit.

Due to its proximity to the lake, during the summer the town becomes the ideal place for sports and recreational activities such as the Lican Ray International Triathlon, open water swimming competitions or the Lican Ray Anniversary Week.

From the north of the country, you can get to Lican Ray by land through Route 5. At you can get to Lican Ray by land through different transport options: If you want to travel by bus, you can buy your tickets easily and travel with Jet Sur company. If you are looking for another alternative, you can choose to share your trip with our carpool service, so you can travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With our carpooling options you can also move around the city, paying the same or even less for quality mobility in a shared car. is the ideal platform to find all the transport options to get to and from where you want.

tipsTips de viaje para Lican Ray


Route Price
Collipulli to Lican Ray Book
Santiago to Lican Ray Book
Santiago to Lican Ray Book
Santiago to Lican Ray Book
Santiago to Lican Ray Book
Rancagua to Lican Ray Book

Comentarios de otros usuarios

Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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marzo 2025