Buy Bus Tickets Online to Bahía Blanca

ABOUT Bahía Blanca

Of marine shores painted with whitish salt, this is the city of Bahía Blanca, a coast that was known under this name at the end of the XVIII century when the Spanish government 1805, officially recognized it. In the course of the decade that begins in 1810 some sketches appear that sketch the general lines of a bay that because of the whitish tone of its ravines and the color of its watery coast; this region was on the map of Brué and offered a strategic place to found a port that would extend the line of forts to the coast.

After three attempts of the foundation, the 11 of April of 1828 was founded like Protective Strength Argentina; This would be a fort with a function of protecting the cattle covered by the Indian and the coast of the Brazilian fleet. Later in September of 1833, the fort would be visited by Charles Darwin on his travels through South America.

For the nineteenth century, after the natives were defeated in the wars of the Conquest of the Desert, the European presence in the region was consolidated, receiving a large number of immigrants from different parts of the old continent; this population was settled for 1880 around the fortress.

15 years later, on October 22, 1895, due to population growth, Bahía Blanca was declared a city. Since then, the Italians quickly formed groups of highly visible social and economic presence, created societies; similarly, it happened with the Spaniards who benefited from driving the same languages.

At the end of the 19th century, the economic and demographic growth of this city was accelerated - along with the distance from the capital of the province of Buenos Aires - it was decided to create a new province, of which Bahia Blanca would be the capital.

By 1897 the Victoria Fruit Market was opened, which was related to railway and port services, which contributed to the urban reorganization. The city is expanding its plot and new trends of occupation are seen.

The climate, Bahía Blanca is plain with slopes that descend towards the coast, while to the northeast there are terraces of 70 meters high, offering a view of the city so that climate itself is temperate, subhumid with moderate temperatures and high variability. In the area of influence, it becomes dry in the direction of the west. The winds, in general, are moderate, but in December, January and February they increase remarkably. They are mostly from north and northwest in summer and south and southeast in winter. The average annual relative humidity is 68%.

On the other hand, its economy is based on the textile and oil industry is its port. Its maritime port is one of the most important in the country, the only one that has a natural depth of more than 10 meters.
But if what most strikes you about this city are its places full of history and neoclassical art, we suggest you visit the Port Museum, the Museum and Historical Archive, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Municipal Theater of Bahía Blanca.

Without a doubt, a city to visit, so it quotes compares and buys bus tickets at at the best Internet price.

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Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
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