Buy Bus Tickets Online to Talcahuano

ABOUT Talcahuano

Talcahuano is a commune that belongs to the Concepción Province of the Biobío Region, and is located in the center of the Chilean territory. The name of Talcahuano was given in honor of an Araucanian chief who was called that way, the name means "Thunderous Sky." Talcahuano is one of the most important towns in the country, both in the economic, cultural and tourist sense. The climate of this city is of the maritime type of the western coast, it has a dry season during the summer, while in winter it is usually a humid climate, this happens due to the polar air that comes from the Pacific Ocean. The highest temperatures of the year occur in the months of January and February with approximately 24 ° C, in July and August the lowest temperature ranges between 3 ° C.

Since the 20th century, Talcahuano is considered a very relevant commercial point, drawing the attention of several international and national companies and they began to invest in this territory. The investments made it possible to establish connections with other cities, both land and naval, being one of the most important ports in the entire country. At the same time Talcahuano is a tourist place, and one of the most important places to visit is El Monitor Huáscar, this was a Peruvian ship that was used for the War of the Pacific, and that in 1879 was captured by Chile. It is currently in the Floating Maritime Museum in this city and is one of the most precious relics that the Chilean Navy has. The Monumental Coliseum of the Turtle, also known as La Tortuga de Talcahuano for its architectural form, is one of the most important coliseums in all of Chile.

In the same way, the Tumbes Park stands out, representing a socio-ecological project that is located in the Los Cerros sector in the Tumbes Peninsula. It is an urban park that contains one of the last remnants of the coastal sclerophyllous forest, it also has a great variety of trees, flora and fauna. Free and informative talks about this heritage are usually given in the place.

Talcahuano being a fishing port in most of its dishes the seafood predominates, they usually use species such as conger, grouper, salmon and corvina. The typical dishes in this city are fried conger, salmon with capers and baked croaker with seafood sauce.

The city of Talcahuano limits to the north with the Pacific Ocean, to the south with the commune of Hualpén, to the west with the Tumbes Peninsula and to the east with the city of Concepción. The city can be accessed by land through Panamerican route number 5. At we take you to Talcahuano with the companies EME Bus, Nilahue, Pullman Tur and Pullman Bus. From nearby towns there are also direct trips to Talcahuano by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you want to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the carpool travel routes available to Talcahuano.

Once in Talcahuano, you can get around in colectivos, a fairly popular urban transport that covers almost all the internal routes of the town. In you can find the available routes, and pay through the App with any card or in cash. is the platform where you find all the transport options to get to and get around Talcahuano.

tipsTips de viaje para Talcahuano


Route Price
Temuco to Talcahuano Book
Chillán to Talcahuano Book
Los Ángeles to Talcahuano Book
Villa Alemana to Talcahuano Book
Quilpué to Talcahuano Book
Puerto Montt to Talcahuano Book
Puerto Varas to Talcahuano Book
Viña del Mar to Talcahuano Book
Puerto Montt to Talcahuano Book
Valparaíso to Talcahuano Book
Placilla to Talcahuano Book
Osorno to Talcahuano Book
Osorno to Talcahuano Book
Santiago to Talcahuano Book
Valdivia to Talcahuano Book
Rancagua to Talcahuano Book
Valdivia to Talcahuano Book
Temuco to Talcahuano Book
Curicó to Talcahuano Book
Temuco to Talcahuano Book
Santiago to Talcahuano Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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