Buy Bus Tickets Online to Salta


Salta is the capital city of the Province of Salta, it is located in the northeast region of Argentina, it borders internationally with Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay, and in Argentine territory with Jujuy, Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán and Catamarca. It can be accessed by land through multiple routes, within Argentina by route number 9, 34 and 16, from Chile through the San Pedro de Atacama border crossing and through Paraguay through national route number 81. You can also access by air through the Martín Miguel de Güemes International Airport, which is located 9 km from the city center.

The climate of Salta is defined as arid and cold with sudden thermal variations. The landscape includes Andean forests with an immense variety of vegetation and fauna that are favored by the humid winds that come from the Pacific Ocean. In Salta, many indigenous place names have been preserved throughout the region, as well as some words, used in everyday speech, and it is one of the few regions where more than five pre-Hispanic languages ​​like Cancán, Calchaquíes, Quechua, Wichí, Chiriguano and Guaraní, which are spoken by more than 15,000 locals in Salta. At the same time, Salta offers tourist destinations such as the Museum of Vine and Wine that is located in Cafayate, the Quebrada de las Conchas, Quebrada de Las Flecha, Iruya, Salinas Grandes and Valle Calchaquíes.

The Cabra Corral Reservoir, has beautiful clear water and attracts tourist attention, because within the reservoir there are sectors enabled for camping, spending the day, practicing water sports and fishing. The Rosario de la Frontera, La Caldera and Campo Alegre Hot Springs attract attention due to their natural charm, while the El Rey National Park and the Baritú National Park preserve an important variety of fauna and vegetation. Currently, Salta is developing the tourism in the area, so you can find offers for accommodation, entertainment, outdoor activities and cultural contact.

In we show you all the options to make your trip to Salta.

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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