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ABOUT Salamanca

Belonging to the Province of Choapa, and to the Region of Coquimbo, Salamanca is an eminently agricultural and mining commune that invites you to know its pleasant and quiet environment, its name comes from the surname of Doña Matilde Salamanca, who was the owner of the lands in which said city was founded.

Salamanca is known for having two important tourist destinations, the first one is La Raja de Manquehua, which according to local beliefs was the epicenter of witchcraft ceremonies and rites since a long time ago and the name "la raja" is due a wall of the mountains where you can see a large crack. The place is difficult to access and is located 25 km northeast of Salamanca.

Another important site is the Church of the Lord of the Earth, a religious sanctuary that was built during the 20th century in a town that bears the same name. In the place there is a crucifix that has the image of the Lord of the Earth, which, according to legend, appeared when some local children dug it up near a liter, at the time the image appeared, a period of abundance began in the harvest, and with it the cult of the image was consolidated. Every January 6 the site receives about 3,000 pilgrims who attend the most important festival in the entire Province of Choapa. The festival of the Lord of the Earth takes place inside the Chalinga, a sector that is located 12 km to the east of Salamanca.

Another attraction of Salamanca is that it preserves a large number of petroglyphs that are found in Chalinga, a picturesque town with beautiful ravines and where you can also visit several vineyards of chicha and chacolo (grape liquor) that are produced in an artisanal way. The Coirón Hanging Bridge, the Corrales Reservoir and as in all Chilean cities, the traditional Plaza de Armas that is located in the historic center, and where the Craft Fair takes place, where you can appreciate the artistic heritage of Salamanca.

Located 308 km away from Santiago, you can access Salamanca through the Panamerican North highway number 5, and at we take you to Salamanca with Pullman Bus and Expreso Norte.

From nearby towns there are direct trips to Salamanca by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safe and for less money. With you can access the carpool routes available to Salamanca and pay through the app with any card or in cash. is the platform where you find all the transport options to get to and from Salamanca.

tipsTips de viaje para Salamanca


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Caldera to Salamanca Book
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Santiago to Salamanca Book
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Coquimbo to Salamanca Book
Pichidangui to Salamanca Book
Los Vilos to Salamanca Book
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La Serena to Salamanca Book
Chañaral to Salamanca Book
Coquimbo to Salamanca Book
Santiago to Salamanca Book
Los Vilos to Salamanca Book
Calama to Salamanca Book
La Calera to Salamanca Book
Illapel to Salamanca Book
Sierra Gorda to Salamanca Book
Pichidangui to Salamanca Book
Los Vilos to Salamanca Book
Baquedano to Salamanca Book
Illapel to Salamanca Book
La Serena to Salamanca Book
Antofagasta to Salamanca Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
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