Buy Bus Tickets Online to Puerto Saavedra

ABOUT Puerto Saavedra

The city of Saavedra, also known as Puerto Saavedra belongs to the Province of Cautín in the Araucanía Region. It limits to the north and east with Carahue, to the south with Teodoro Schmidt and to the west with the Pacific Ocean.

Puerto Saavedra is characterized by having a Mediterranean climate, with little rainfall. Normally during the day the temperature is warm and tends to drop during the night. The coldest month of the year is July, when temperatures can drop to as low as 3 ° C, while the hottest would be January and February with maximum temperatures of 24 ° C. Due to its climatic conditions, visitors agree that the best time to visit Puerto Saavedra is during spring and summer, between the months of December and March.

The history of Puerto Saavedra dates back to 1885 when it was founded as part of the Department of Imperial, and then, in 1906, it was renamed Saavedra, a name that it keeps to this day. For more than 6 decades it was a port of great importance, used to receive wheat and flour from Carahue, in addition to these products the seafood was also marketed, even an important canned seafood company settled in the area. However, all the greatness of this port collapsed when the port activity shifted towards Puerto de Corral, located a little further south.

Currently this city is known for its tourist attractions, such as beaches and lakes, but among all of them the one that stands out the most is the Budi Lake, known for its brackish and shallow waters, where you can go boating, horseback riding, bird watching and learning about traditions of the Mapuche Lafkenche culture, a tribe that over time has dedicated itself to the preservation of this refuge of nature.

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tipsTips de viaje para Puerto Saavedra

ROUTES TOWARDS Puerto Saavedra

Route Price
Temuco to Puerto Saavedra Book
Santiago to Puerto Saavedra Book
Curicó to Puerto Saavedra Book
Linares to Puerto Saavedra Book
Santiago to Puerto Saavedra Book
Santiago to Puerto Saavedra Book
Rancagua to Puerto Saavedra Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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marzo 2025