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ABOUT Puerto Aysén

Puerto Aysén is the capital city of the Aysén Province and it is located in the Aysén Region. The city is located on the banks of the Aysén River 3 km inside the Aysén fjord, and the place can be reached through the Carretera Austral, which includes some sections that cross the fjords by ferries, it can also be accessed from Argentina by Route 40, through one of the border crossings: Futaleufú, Coyhaique Alto, Paso Huemules (Balmaceda) and Chile Chico. Puerto Aysén is characterized by continuous rains and low temperatures, during winter it can reach temperatures below 0 ° C, while in summer it can reach 30 ° C.

Puerto Aysén was founded in 1928, in the beginning the port functioned without supervision of the Chilean State, and its few inhabitants lived there almost anonymously for a long time, later in 1980, when the surrounding towns began to grow, Puerto Aysén became increasingly most notable, until it became one of the most important urban centers in the Aysén region. The diversity of landscapes offered by the port ranges from the Patagonian pampas in the west to evergreen forests on the coast, fjords, channels, and abundant vegetation, thanks to this Aysén has become a highly valued tourist stop in southern Chile.

Among the most important places to visit we can mention the Aysén River that crosses the city, and is where the Presidente Ibáñez Bridge is located, which was declared a National Monument. At 210 meters in length, it is the longest bridge in Chile and was designed in 1966 by the famous French architect, Gustave Eiffel. It should be noted that the bridge has become the icon of the city, and is a place where you can kayak and enjoy a walk along the surrounding trails.

The Plaza de Armas has a beautiful structure that mixes wood and stone. For its part, the Cathedral Church, is located in front of the Plaza de Armas, its current structure is mainly made of wood and inside it has a beautiful native wood carving of the "Last Supper", the work of the local artist Eduardo Torrealba. While the Cerro Mirador is located a few steps from the center and has trails for a comfortable tour in the midst of existing native vegetation. Upon reaching the top, you can see a peripheral view of the city. The Aguas Muertas Pier is a picturesque fishing pier with a lot of artisan activity that brings together colorful smaller boats. The Gallery of Craftsmen and Ruka Mapuche, both structures are located in the south bank, when crossing the Presidente Ibáñez bridge, there you can find crafts, natural products, and typical foods of the region.

A few kilometers from Puerto Aysén you can also find places of interest, among them Ruta El Pangal, Río Simpson National Park, Villa Los Torreones, Laguna Los Palos, Bahía Acantilada, Lago Riesco, Balsa El Blanco, Lago Portales, Río Condor, Ascent to Cerro Cordón. is the platform where you find all the transportation options to get to and get around Puerto Aysén.

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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