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ABOUT La Calera

On the banks of the Aconcagua River, on the side of the Quillota Province, is located La Calera, a commune that is part of the Valparaíso Region. The name of La Calera refers to "lime quarry", since the site was known for the massive production of lime, a material that was extracted from the hills that are located south of the city.

The origins of this population go back to a small town of Jesuits, who owned the land for 139 years, until the religious order was expelled from it in 1767. Later a small town arose around some factories and centers of lime production, this being the main economic activity of the commune. La Calera limits to the east with Hijuelas, to the south with La Cruz and to the north and west with Nogales, it is located 61 km from Valparaíso, and 118 km from Santiago; The city can be accessed through the Panamericana North highway number 5.

La Calera is renowned for its hot summer and prolonged dry climate, which is common in the valleys of central Chile, but at the same time receives ocean currents thanks to its relative proximity to the Chilean sea. On the hottest days of summer, La Calera can reach temperatures of 35 °C, while in winter it does not drop below 4 °C.

The Aconcagua River is the main water source of La Calera, and it is also the main tourist spot of the commune, together with the train station. The railway was a project that was in La Calera since the middle of the 19th century, since it was a conveyance between Santiago and Valparaíso. However, the current station was built during the decade of the 30s of the last century, that station represented a new architectural style and because of that it was declared a National Historic Landmark in 2014. takes you to La Calera with the following companies: Paravias, Expreso Norte, Expreso Quillota Ciktur. But from nearby towns there are also direct trips to Quillota by carpool, or shared car, which is another travel alternative when you are looking to travel comfortably, safely and for less money. With you can access the carpool routes available.

Once in La Calera, you can move around by bus, a fairly popular urban transport that covers almost all the internal routes of the town. In you can find the available routes, and pay through the app with any card or in cash. is the platform where you find all the transport options to get to and get around La Calera.

tipsTips de viaje para La Calera


Route Price
La Serena to La Calera Book
Coquimbo to La Calera Book
Combarbalá to La Calera Book
Quintero to La Calera Book
Canela to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Iquique to La Calera Book
Copiapó to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Alto Hospicio to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Iquique to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Vallenar to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Tocopilla to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Antofagasta to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Salamanca to La Calera Book
Antofagasta to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Illapel to La Calera Book
El Salvador to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Los Vilos to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Diego de Almagro to La Calera Book
Inca De Oro to La Calera Book
Caldera to La Calera Book
Valparaíso to La Calera Book
Viña del Mar to La Calera Book
Copiapó to La Calera Book
Santiago to La Calera Book
Copiapó to La Calera Book
Chañaral to La Calera Book

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Buenos días como estas ustedes wega yo necesito viajar el martes si dios quiere yo quiere saber que permiso necesito para viajar arica y cuando salir el pasaje y la hora de salida gracias

Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

Hola,como puedo aplicar mi descuento como socia comprando mi pasaje en linea?

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