Buy Bus Tickets Online to Calbuco

ABOUT Calbuco

City of the Province of Llanquihue in the Los Lagos Region, its etymology means "Blue water" "Blue oak" with a temperate rainy climate with an average temperature that ranges between 2 °C and 14 °C throughout the year. This city is full of mythological, folkloric and religious practices, it is a tourist attraction for its architecture and natural landscapes. At we tell you what you need to know to get there and how to get around this beautiful archipelago.

In the city of Calbuco there is the "Municipal Museum of Calbuco", a construction which represents the history and architectural identity of the place. The San Miguel Arcángel Church, built in 1935, is one of the best viewpoints towards the Yate volcano; one of the few active volcanoes in Chile, located near Lake Llanquihue, whose geological structure can be observed from Osorno to Chiloé.

Culturally, the city stands out for the festivities that they celebrate to promote the union of the people with nature. Geographically it is characterized by the Calbuco Archipelago, its constant rainfall and its islands: Huar, Puluqui, Queullín, Tautill, Caicué, Chaullín, Huapi Aptao, Quihua, Quenu, Malliña, Llanquinelhue, Polmallelhue, Lin, Tabón, Chidhuapi and Calbuco.

Each island is characterized by its authenticity, culture, gastronomy and handicraft practices typical of the inhabitants. An example of this is Chidhuapi Island, which offers its wool handicrafts and culinary products such as black-rim oysters; The Puluqui Island provides its services of kayaking, horseback riding, accommodations in front of the sea and tours around the island with an approximate duration of two hours; On Quihua Island they have a Botanical Garden, a place not to be missed where you can take ecological walks along the trails created to admire the region's ecosystems, including a fragment of myrtle forest.

In you can get bus tickets to travel from Santiago to Calbuco, with the company Buses Tepual. If you want to travel by land but in a different way, you can also choose to share your trip and save money by traveling in a more entertaining, comfortable and safe way.

tipsTips de viaje para Calbuco




Route Price
Osorno to Calbuco Book
Santiago to Calbuco Book
Talca to Calbuco Book

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Katerine Morales
Necesito saber que permisos piden para poder viajar de talca a Concepción

Oswaldo Guevara
Falta buse para los andes

Alejandro Cerna
Hola consulta. Un bus que parta , de santiago hacia laraquete ?Saludos

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